
Pandora is a fictional moon from James Cameron’s Avatar universe and the setting of the film and video game Avatar. Pandora orbits the fictional gas giant planet Polythemis. Pandora is a lush rainforest-covered extraterrestrial moon filled with incredible life forms – some beautiful, many terrifying. Pandora is also home to the Na’vi. They are a sentient humanoid race that humans consider primitive, but are actually more evolutionarily advanced than humans. Standing three meters tall, with tails and sparkling blue skin, the Na’vi live in harmony with their unspoiled world.

Pandora's most prominent feature is its ammonia-based atmosphere. While humans can survive on Pandora's surface without enclosed protective gear, they do need to take their oxygen supply with them, or otherwise they will face a choking death.

The other major feature of Pandora, that makes it most attractive to Earth's industrial and military forces, is the rare mineral dubbed "Unobtainium". Unobtainium produces strong magnetic forces, allowing it to actually float in the air. Unobtainium is vital for producing advanced components in Earth's spaceships, due to its properties as a room-temperature superconductor. While Unobtainum is extremely rare on Earth, there are massive lodes of the mineral on Pandora. There is so much Unobtainium on Pandora that it defines the landscape: the entire moon is covered with large, floating mountains which contain Unobtainium. These floating mountains have their own island-style ecology, though extensive vegetation growth links one floating mountain to the next as well as the surface.

Just as most vertebrate life on Earth evolved to have four limbs, most vertebrate life on Pandora evolved to have six limbs (the humanoid Na'vi are an exception). Flying animals have two wings and four legs, while land animals have six legs.

Compared to Earth, Pandora is a lush jungle paradise. At night, virtually all life on the world bio-luminescences in various shades of blue (explaining the Na'Vi's blue skin color, which is better camouflage at night on Pandora).