
Paper One  试卷一
Part I  Listening Comprehension (20 minutes, 15 points) (略)
Part II Vocabulary (10 minutes, 10 points,0.5 for each )
Section A
Directions: In this section there are fifteen sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center
16. Talks on climate change resumed in the German city of Bonn on July 16 to combat global warming.
   A. focus on          B. settle down             C. fight against           D. sum up
17. Hague was elected as the Conservative Party leader partly because of his ambiguous views on Britain’s position in relation to its partners in the European Union.
   A. ambitious         B. obscure                C. appalling              D. indifferent
18. Her story shows how gentle stubbornness and an indifference to honors and fame can lead to great achievements.
   A. persuasion        B. determination            C. devotion              D. reservation
19. We have a responsibility to ensure our nation’s continued prosperity and the most sensible way to do this is by investment in basic scientific research.
   A. effective          B. efficient                 C. significant            D. reasonable
20. All information reported to or likewise obtained by the commission is considered confidential.
   A. in a similar way                            B. in another way
   C. in a direct way                             D. in an unauthorized way
21. I would recommend this inn highly on account of its wonderful location.
   A. as a result of        B. because of               C. with regard to      D. with a view to
22. Television advertisements do more than merely reflect dominant ideologies.
   A. exactly            B. faithfully                 C. repeatedly        D. simply
23. The legislative provision has a great impact on the operations of the department.
   A. law               B. passage                  C. revision          D.  clause
24. In spite of a problem with the faulty equipment, some very useful work was accomplished.
   A. imperfect          B. temporary                 C. emergency        D. reinstalled
25. Bob believes that the invasion of the marketplace into the university is undermining fundamental academic values, and that we must act now to halt this decline.
   A. lace               B. plug                      C. cease              D. digest
Section B
Directions: In this section, there are fifteen incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
26. A leading British scholar has proposed translating Shakespeare into contemporary English ______ young audiences who are confused by jokes which are 400 years out of date.
   A. in memory of                         B. at the cost of
   C. on behalf of                           D. for the benefit of
27. The local people could hardly think of any good way to ____ poverty they had endured.
   A. shake off          B. ward off                  C. put off               D. take off
28. The three branches of government --- the legislative, the executive, and the _____ ----restrain and stabilize one another through their separated functions.
   A. lawful              B. just                       C. judicial           D. legal
29. From observers’ estimates of the brightness of the fireball, he ___ that the body in the space was between 40 feet and 260 feet in diameter.
   A. deduced            B. reduced                    C. induced            D. produced
30. They provide a means of keeping ____ of the thousands of journal papers that are published monthly or quarterly.
   A. track              B. contact                     C. relation             D. steps
31.You can use the Course Calendar to help ____ your students of important dates in the course, such as test dates.
   A. warn               B. remind                     C. convince           D. deprive
32. Among picture books for 4-8-year-olds, several outstanding works appeared that combined original stories with _____ illustrations.
   A . imaginable       B. imaginative                   C. imaging           D. imageless
33. A survey of more than 1,000 philosophers, teachers and students by the authoritative Philosophers’ Magazine placed Charles Darwin’s The Origin of ____ as the third most important work.
   A. Sperms           B. Species                       C. Spectrums         D. Specimens 
34. As skies fill with millions of migrating birds, European scientists say the seasonal miracle appears to depend on a seeming ____ : The fatter the bird, the more efficiently it flies.
   A. interruption       B. description            C. qualification         D. contradiction
35. The party leader justified his subsequent reelection ___ that he had brought political stability and economic development to his country.
   A. in the way       B. by no means           C. on the grounds      D. to the extent
1、 短语辨析:16题,21题,26题,27题,35题,
16. Talks on climate change resumed in the German city of Bonn on July 16 to combat global warming.
   A. focus on         B. settle down          C. fight against      D. sum up
Note: 答案为C。fight against“反对,对抗”可替换combat“战斗,抗击”。
focus“集中”,settle down “安定下来,定居”,sum up “总结”
21. I would recommend this inn highly on account of its wonderful location.
   A. as a result of     B. because of           C. with regard to     D. with a view to
Note:答案为B。on account of “由于”,只有because of与其同义。
as a result “作为结果”,with regard to “关于”,with a view to “为了,目的在于”
We delayed our departure because of the bad weather, which caused great loses.
A. accounting for             B. on account of        C. resulting in        D. due
26. A leading British scholar has proposed translating Shakespeare into contemporary English ______ young audiences who are confused by jokes which are 400 years out of date.
   A. in memory of                          B. at the cost of
   C. on behalf of                           D. for the benefit of
Note:答案为D。for the benefit of “为了…利益”,本句意为“当代的青年读者经常对莎士比亚作品中的幽默感到困惑,为此,一位著名的英国学者提议将莎士比亚的作品翻译成现代英语。in memory of “为纪念”,at the cost of “以…为代价”,on behalf of “代表”。
27. The local people could hardly think of any good way to ____ poverty they had endured.
   A. shake off              B. ward off            C. put off            D. take off
Note:答案为A。根据题意,只有shake off“摆脱,抖落”后面可接poverty表示 “摆脱贫穷”。ward off “避开,挡住”,put off “推迟”,take off “起飞, 脱掉,岔开”。
She tried to ______him _____but he continued to pester her.
A. take… off             B. shut …off                     C. shake… off            D. switch…off
35. The party leader justified his subsequent reelection ___ that he had brought political stability and economic development to his country.
   A. in the way       B. by no means         C. on the grounds        D. to the extent
Note:答案为C。on the grounds“因为,以…为理由”,根据句意,前后是一种因果关系,其它都不符题意。in the way “挡道”,by no meas “决不”,to some extent “在一定程度上”。
I had to retire ____________ill health.
A. on the grounds of   B. because   C. accounting for   D. to the ground of
2、 同义词、近义词辨析:18题,19题,22题,25题,28题,31题,32题
18. Her story shows how gentle stubbornness and an indifference to honors and fame can lead to great achievements.
   A. persuasion       B. determination        C. devotion           D. reservation
Note: 答案为B。stubbornness“倔强,顽强”,只有determination“决心”与其在本句中表达的意思相近,其它均不符题意, persuasion “劝说,说服”, devotion“热爱,投入”,reservation“保留,预定”。
辨析:determined “有决心的,意志坚决的”,resolute“坚决的”,stubborn “固执的,顽强的”
He attributed his success to his determined attitude and his endless effort.
A. resolute    B. devoted    C. dedicated    D. delicate
19. We have a responsibility to ensure our nation’s continued prosperity and the most sensible way to do this is by investment in basic scientific research.
   A. effective          B. efficient             C. significant      D. reasonable
Note:答案为D。sensible “有感觉的,明智的”,只有reasonable“合理的”可与其替换。
Effective “有效的”,efficient “有效率的”;significant “重大的,有重大意义的”。
No reasonable person could refuse the poor girl’s small demand.
A. sensitive             B. sensible             C. intensive        D. responsible
22. Television advertisements do more than merely reflect dominant ideologies.
   A. exactly           B. faithfully            C. repeatedly       D. simply
Note: 答案为D。merely 相当于simply“仅仅,只不过”。exactly “确切地”, faithfully “忠
诚地,如实地”, repeatedly “重复地,再三地”。
同义词:only, merely, simply , just “仅仅,只不过”
I bought this house without any other reason, simply because it was large.
A. absolutely            B. easily              C. merely          D. really
Note: 答案为C。
25. Bob believes that the invasion of the marketplace into the university is undermining fundamental academic values, and that we must act now to halt this decline.
   A. lace              B. plug               C. cease            D. digest
Note: 答案为C。cease意为“停止”,与划线单词halt同义。lace “花边,缎带;扎,饰以花边”, plug “塞子,插上”, digest “消化”。
同义词:halt, stop, cease, end “结束,停止”
After a long time fighting, the officer orders his men to cease fire.
A. begin shooting         B. stop shooting        C. catch fire            D. set fire
Note: 答案为B。
28. The three branches of government --- the legislative, the executive, and the _____ ----restrain and stabilize one another through their separated functions.
   A. lawful             B. just                 C. judicial         D. legal
Note:答案为C。the legislative, the executive, and the judicial指政府的三个部门:立法、行政、司法。lawful “法律的,合法的”, just “正义的,公正的;刚刚,仅仅”, legal “法律的,合法的”
31.You can use the Course Calendar to help ____ your students of important dates in the course, such as test dates.
   A. warn              B. remind              C. convince        D. deprive
Note:答案为B。remind“提醒”,remind sb of sth, 题意为“提醒学生重要日期”。
warn“警告”,convince“使确信”, deprive “剥夺”
This old song _______me of my college life in Beijing.
A. reminded             B. warned             C. remained       D. recommended
32. Among picture books for 4-8-year-olds, several outstanding works appeared that combined original stories with _____ illustrations.
   A . imaginable        B. imaginative           C. imaging         D. imageless
Note:答案为B。imaginative“想象的,虚构的”,题意为“把故事原形与充分的想象相结合”。imagine“想象”,imaginative“富于想象力的”,imaginable “可以想象的”,imaginary“虚构的,假想的”。
We had the greatest difficulty __________getting here in time.
A. imagined   B. imaginary    C. imaginative   D. imaginable
3、 形近词辨析:17题,29题,33题
17. Hague was elected as the Conservative Party leader partly because of his ambiguous views on Britain’s position in relation to its partners in  the European Union.
   A. ambitious         B. obscure              C. appalling          D. indifferent
Note:答案为B。ambiguous“暧昧的,不明确的”,只有obscure“模糊的,朦胧的”与其同义。ambitious “有雄心的”,appalling“令人震憾的,骇人听闻的”,indifferent“漠然的,无关紧要的”。
29. From observers’ estimates of the brightness of the fireball, he ___ that the body in the space was between 40 feet and 260 feet in diameter.
   A. deduced          B. reduced              C. induced            D. produced
We couldn’t ­­­­­_________the old lady to travel by air.
A. reduce               B. induce              C. deduce             D. introduce
33. A survey of more than 1,000 philosophers, teachers and students by the authoritative Philosophers’ Magazine placed Charles Darwin’s The Origin of ____ as the third most important work.
   A. Sperms           B. Species             C. Spectrums         D. Specimens 
Note:答案为B。species“物种,种类”,The Origin of Species意为“物种起源”。
辨析:sperms “精子,鲸油”,species“物种”,spectrum“光谱,波长”,specimen“样本,标本”
There were some fine _______of rocks and ores in the museum.
A. species    B. spectrums   C. specimens   D. specialist
4、 典型词缀:词汇部分主要涉及到的重点前缀后缀有:-ion, im-, re-, -ible/-able, -ive, -less,-y等。
24. In spite of a problem with the faulty equipment, some very useful work was accomplished.
   A. imperfect        B. temporary            C. emergency         D. reinstalled
Note:答案为A。解答本题可以充分利用词缀知识。划线单词faulty“有缺点的,不完美的”,是fault(n)“缺点,毛病”加上后缀-y变来的,而选项A 是imperfect“不完美的”,只要了解im-这一表示否定的前缀,它的词义很容易推出,因为perfect“完美的”是一个非常常见的形容词。其它三个选项即使不认识也不会影响对正确答案的判断。
temporary “暂时的,临时的”, emergency “紧急情况,突然事件”, reinstall “重新设置”(注意前缀re-“又,再”)
5、其它重点、难点词汇 (20,23,30,34)
20. All information reported to or likewise obtained by the commission is considered confidential.
   A. in a similar way                                B. in another way
   C. in a direct way                                 D. in an unauthorized way
Note:likewise根据词根like就可推出其大致含义“同样,照样”,选项虽为短语,但实际还是考词汇。similar“相似的”,in a similar way就相当于likewise。B、C通过another和direct都容易排除,D选项中unauthorized“未受权的,未认可的”,authority“权力”,authorize是动词“授权”,加上un-,变成否定。
23. The legislative provision has a great impact on the operations of the department.
A. law               B. passage            C. revision         D.  clause
Note: 答案为A。legislative“立法的,立法机关的”,故应选择law作为其同义替换。
passage “段,通道”, revision “修订,修正”, clause “条款”。
30. They provide a means of keeping ____ of the thousands of journal papers that are published monthly or quarterly.
   A. track              B. contact            C. relation         D. steps
Note: 答案为A。keep track of sb/sth意为“与…保持联系,跟踪”。keep contact/relation一般后面接with,意为“与…保持联系”;keep steps 后也接with,意为“与…步伐一致”。
34. As skies fill with millions of migrating birds, European scientists say the seasonal miracle appears to depend on a seeming ____ : The fatter the bird, the more efficiently it flies.
   A. interruption        B. description         C. qualification      D. contradiction
Note: 答案为D。根据题意,是表示“似乎是一种矛盾:鸟越胖,越能飞”。interruption “中断,打断”, description “描述,形容”, qualification “资格” 。