The target growth rate of approximately 7% takes into consideration what is needed and what is possible. This target is both aligned with our goal of finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and is appropriate in terms of the need to grow and upgrade our economy. It is also in keeping with the objective laws of development as well as conditions in China.


This target is both aligned with ······· and is ·······

衔接 aligned with
要求 need (仅在本文语境,并不是都僵化得翻译成 requirement 等)
发展规律 the objective laws of development
全面建成小康社会 finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects

be in keeping with 很多人问过,其实是固定短语,表示一致。
A good man's actions are in keeping with his promises.正直人的言行一致。

If China’s economy can grow at this rate for a relatively long time, we will secure a more solid material foundation for modernization.

这里又出现了 secure,也是接近万能的词,很多地方和 ensure 或 ensure that 差不多。

较长时期 a relatively long time
物质基础 material foundation

At the same time, the aim of maintaining stable growth is to ensure employment. As the service sector becomes larger, the number of small and micro businesses grows, and the economy gains in size, a growth rate of approximately 7% will ensure ample employment.

服务业 the service sector
增多 the number of ··· grows
比重上升 becomes larger, (模糊对应)
小微企业 small and micro businesses
经济体量增大 the economy gains in size (介词 in 替换 of 结构)
保就业 ensure employment (感觉这里简化了不少)

Local governments need to set targets based on local conditions, be fully motivated to make progress, and tap into their full potential so as to deliver better outcomes.

前面分析了 ensure 和 secure,这里又来了类似的 deliver。
Deliver:If you deliver something that you have promised to do, make, or produce, you do, make, or produce it. 实现; 履行,经常和目标等词连用。
They have yet to show that they can really deliver working technologies.

政府公报也很喜欢用这个词,译文出现了不下 10 次。
① 改革红利正在释放
benefits of reform are being delivered as we speak
② 做好今年政府工作,要把握好······
To deliver a good performance in the work of the government this year···

Set targets 是字面没有的意思,需要结合上下文,各地 local governments 也是深入到“各地”的字面背后。

积极进取 be fully motivated to make progress
挖掘潜力 tap into their full potential
结果 outcomes

To deliver a good performance in the work of the government this year, we need to concentrate on the following three areas:


① 把握经济运行合理区间的上下限
With a keen understanding of the appropriate range within which the economy needs to be operating
② 牢牢把握发展的主动权
take an active approach to development
③ 我们要把握好总体要求
Keeping in mind these requirements

Firs we need to ensure continuity in and make improvements to macroeconomic policies.

涉及与 policy 有关的“稳”,continuity 经常出现。
完善:make improvements to
其实 improve 就可以了,但是公文有时候不讲究简洁,这个没办法。不只中国,英美的一些文件也是这样。连淑能《英汉对比研究》中有一章专门讲过这类问题。短话说长是非常重要的生存技能。写作文、面试或者演讲时大家应该有同感。


We will continue to implement proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy. We will pay greater attention to anticipatory adjustments, fine-tuning, and targeted regulation. We will put both existing and additional financial resources to good use, focusing particularly on strengthening weak spots.

“更加注重” 重复两次,译文做了合并。盘活、用好,意思其实差不多,也是做了合并。有些词看似高端,其实有时候意思并没有多么深奥,翻译时也或多或少要放弃一些风格上的一致。比如“倒逼”、“长考”、“沉疴”、“以降”······

预调 anticipatory adjustments
微调 fine-tuning
定向调控 targeted regulation

Anticipatory adj 预期的,期望着的;提前发生的

积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy (固定用 proactive)
稳健的货币政策 prudent monetary policy
更加注重 pay greater attention to

We will improve micro-level vitality to underpin macroeconomic stability, explore new ways of achieving supply to boost demand, and balance total supply and demand through structural adjustments to ensure the economy performs within an appropriate range.

to ensure 而不是 ensure that,更简洁一些。

微观活力 micro-level vitality
支撑 underpin
创新 explore new ways of