You are something else.

Well, you're just a natural.
【夸人家天生是做什么的料,就说you're a natural】

You're just a little bit easy on eyes.
【easy on the eyes是指一个人的相貌不至于丑到让人看了难受,但也不是那种惊艳得光彩夺目的,就是我们常说的“悦目”吧?】

Hey, five stars.

Oh, to what do we own the honor?

She gonna blink in Morse code.
【这句话把我笑喷了……哦,小苏同学你真可爱!摩尔斯电码(又译为摩斯密码,Morse code)是一种时通时断的信号代码,通过不同的排列顺序来表达不同的英文字母、数字和标点符号。它由美国人艾尔菲德·维尔发明,当时(1835年)他正在协助萨缪尔·摩尔斯进行摩尔斯电报机的发明。】

It's a big "IF".

Is everybody on board?
【on board的意思大家都知道,表示“上甲板了,上船了”;这里用了一个引申的意义,表示“大家都在一条船上了吧?”】

You better get cracking.

I want my money wired to the account number specified.

I'll have no option but to sing it out and clear.

kill the lights.

See there is only one thing you can count on when you are dealing with T-bag. He is a ratter.

I blew the whistle.
【blow the whistle是个俚语的词组,就是打小报告、透露消息的意思。想人家犯案的时候,不是会有个望风的一有风吹草动就吹个口哨示警么?】

Well, if you watch this, I'm glad. Because that means you are safe. And it's all I wanted. I wish that I could be there with you. But you probably know now. I did not have much time anyway. So I made my choice and I don't regret it. Anyway, not to long from now there's gonna be a little Scofield running around. Linc, I want you to promise me. No matter what. They gonna know their uncle never far away. Sarah, I want you to promise me that you keep an eye on Linc. Maybe you notice that he has a tendency to get in trouble. You know we spend so much of our lives. Not saying anything we want to say. The things we should say. We speak in cold we send messages, origami. So now, plainly, simply, I want to say that I love you both. Very much. And I want you to promise me. That you are gonna tell us child how much I loved every day. I remind him that how lucky they are. To be free because we are. We are free now, finally. We are free.

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