"Best Job in China" Is Calling

The blooming flowers of lavender flowers in Panlongxia are drawing numerous tourists each year. [File Photo:]

The spotlight on the "Best Job in the World" is gradually fading after Britain's Ben Southall beat thousands of competitors around the globe to win the dream position of caretaker of a tropical Australian island.

However, a similar contest has just been announced on May 11 for what many are calling the "Best Job in China".

The management office of Panlongxia, a scenic spot famous for its 200,000 square meters of lavender flower fields in Guangdong, is offering 20,000 RMB per week to two females for the position called "Lavender Angels".

The winners will act as image-ambassadors of the travel resort. The responsibilities of the "Lavender Angels" will be to inspect the lavender fields regularly and record their state of growth, as well as prevent tourists from destroying the plants and polluting the fields.

They will have accomodations in the five-star holiday inn at the resort and enjoy free working meals.

With such good salary and an idyllic working environment, the job is seen by many as the "best job in China."

Candidates are supposed to be only females who are aged between 18 and 25 and are healthy, vigorous and nature-loving, said Liu Liang from the management office of Panlongxia.

They will hold a recruitment fair from May 12 to 14 in Guangdong to select 100 candidates and put their profiles onto the internet for the public to cast their vote.

The winner will be announced as soon as the middle of June.

Panlongxia has the largest lavender fields in southern China. The splendid sea of lavender flowers received more than 20,000 visitors per day during the past May Day holiday.


广州5月11日电(邓圩  慧子)澳大利亚大堡礁看护员工作招聘尘埃落定,来自英国的绍索尔在角逐该职位的16名参赛者中脱颖而出,最终获得了澳大利亚昆士兰州旅游局提供的这份被誉为“世界最好工作”的职位。如果错过了这个机会,也不用太过遗憾,记者最新获悉,中国版的“绝世好工”将于今日公开对外招聘,德庆盘龙峡景区将公开招聘两名薰衣草天使,入住度假村超五星度假别墅,每天巡视薰衣草田指导游客游览拍照,并对外宣传推广德庆盘龙峡薰衣草,周薪达到两万元人民币,已经接近大堡礁看护员的薪酬水平。









由于盘龙峡薰衣草天使工作主要为了暑期旅游旺季时的汹涌人潮做准备,所以最快将于6月中旬确定最终入选者,并上岗开始工作。招聘形式采取免费报名,现场海选,网络评选等方式。现场报名定于5月12日—14日,连续三天在盘龙峡的合作伙伴南湖国旅•西部假期北京路旗舰店进行,海选出100位入选者,并将统一安排其在薰衣草田拍摄相片,相片及资料上传至网络供网友评选。网友投票及现场表现将成为应聘者入选的综合依据。“薰衣草天使还需在一定程度上扮演起景区代言人的角色。”对于为何限定女性,且年龄为18—25岁这几项条件时,盘龙峡生态旅游区负责人刘亮解释道。据了解,入选的薰衣草天使还将参与香港无线电视(TVB)旅游特辑拍摄,所以在形象上将以年轻健康活力的女性为主。 (人民网)    


沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中