


艾滋病AIDS, Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
艾滋病病毒,人体免疫缺损病毒 human immunodeficiency virus
艾滋病毒带原者  HIV carriers
艾滋病携带者  HIV patients
艾滋村  HIV/AIDS villages
传染/传播  transmission
传染方式/ 流行方式  spread path
丑化与歧视  stigma and discrimination
高危险群  high-risk populations
公共保健  public health care
婚前性行为  premarital sex
HIV阳性  HIV positive
患上/染上  to suffer from/ to be infected with/ to be afflicted with/ contract (the virus/AIDS)
性传染病  sexually transmitted disease (STD)
接种疫苗 vaccination 


1 December 2008 marks the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day. This year’s theme is “Lead – Empower – Deliver" Designating leadership as the theme provides an opportunity to highlight both political leadership and celebrate leadership that has been witnessed at all levels of society.

2008年12月1日是世界艾滋病日的第20个纪念日。世界防治艾滋病运动合作伙伴提出今年世界艾滋病日的主题为“领导作用、增强力量和履行承诺” 。

"We have to end the stigma and discrimination that still stop so many people from learning how to prevent HIV and get treatment. And we need resources -- enough to provide services that will have a real impact in communities and on entire nations. The need to lead, empower and deliver on AIDS is as real and urgent as ever." -- Ban Kimoon
