
1. 审题不细致,题目没有要求的,写了很多,这就浪费了篇幅;
2. 句子顾前不顾后,前后时态,时间矛盾;
3. 词汇基本功有待加强;
4. 没有商务背景,作文中的句子空洞,没有实际意义;
5. 用了很多主观态度的句子。


Report on staff recruitment

As our company is developing several new products, the department of R&D needs new staff urgently to help design and monitor our products.

Thus we need to recruit 35 new staff, including electrical engineers and product developers. All of them should have at least two years ' experience in relevant field. More specific requirements will finally be decided in a few days.

As to recruitment methods, the disadvantage of relying on recruitment agency is that we need more time and procedure than we can afford. So I suggest we turn to a more direct way of Newspaper advertisement, which has been used many times and proved effective.

Comparing the two newspaper, Echo and Chronicle, we prefer the former because though it charges £500 more than the latter, the general readers are 400,000 more, most of whom are highly-educated.

We are sure to get reply soon after we launch the recruitment campaign.



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高级全套套餐包括: 剑桥BEC真题集高级第2辑、第3辑;BEC剑桥商务英语证书考试高级仿真试卷;新编剑桥商务英语高级同步辅导;新编剑桥商务英语高级第二版学生用书;新编剑桥商务英语高级第二版学生用书练习册;新编剑桥商务英语PASS BEC口试必备手册(中、高级);剑桥商务英语高级词汇精选 点击查看》