

The most perilous part of the journey for many migrants seeking to enter the United States from central America comes not when they are on their way to the Texas border, but once they have passed it.
Falfurrias, with a population about 5,000, is 75 miles north of the border along Interstate 69-C, the main gateway to central Texas. Situated amid ranch land and an hour’s drive from the nearest big city, it might be a relatively uneventful place – were it not for its detention centre and the immigration checkpoint about 15 miles south.
Smugglers drive the immigrants near the checkpoint then let them out, to find their way around it on foot through a thorny terrain of private ranches in temperatures that often exceed 100F in summer. Some get lost and fall ill and here their journeys end, dying somewhere in the mostly-shadeless expanse of nearly 1,000 square miles that makes up Brooks County.




在众多移民者寻求进入美国边境的旅途中,最危险的部分并不是穿越德克萨斯边界这一过程 ,而是在于,一旦越境之后,他们所要所要面临的状况。
拥有人口5000人左右的法弗利亚斯,位于69号州际公路北部75公里处,这条公路亦是通完德 克萨斯中心的主干道。该市坐落在农场之间,距离最近的大城市仅有一个小时车程。倘若不是在 市区南部十五公里处设有集中营以及出入境检查站的话,这里应当是一处祥和平静的所在。
走私者将她们带至检查站附近,然后把他们赶下车自己找寻入境的道路。炎炎夏日,通常气 温都会超过38摄氏度(摄氏度=(华氏度-32)/1.8)。在此高温下,他们徒步穿过地形复杂的私 人农场,于是有的人便会走失,也有的人病倒了,随即永远的结束了他们的旅行。而他们的尸体 就暴露在布鲁克斯县1000平方英里的空地之上。
