

Copenhagen  哥本哈根

Sumatra  苏门答腊岛

Padang  巴东

Jakarta  雅加达(印尼首都)

We begin today in Denmark where week two of the UN Climate Conference is getting underway. One of the big goals of this meeting was to put together a deal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. World leaders, including President Obama, are heading to Copenhagen later on this week to try to finalize the agreement. But some analysts have said there hasn't been much progress so far and there are some questions about how the deal would be paid for. Thousands of demonstrators in the streets of the Danish capital during the conference demanded that participants create a climate change agreement. Most of the protests have been peaceful. Some did turn violent. On Saturday, more than 900 demonstrators were detained by police. Nearly all of them were later released. Indonesian officials say a powerful earthquake off the coast of the island of Sumatra has killed 13 people. The quake destroyed many buildings and cut communications in and around the city of Padang. Residents say people are trapped in the rubble and some bridges have collapsed. The quake which had a magnitude of 7.6 was felt hundreds of kilometers away in Singapore and Malaysia. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center had issued a tsunami alert minutes after the earthquake hit off the coast of west Sumatra but then lifted it. The tremor was felt as far away as Indonesia's capital city, Jakarta. There have been reports of buildings and houses collapsing in the city of Padang, Sumatra's capital, which is near the epicenter of the earthquake. Senators are considering alternatives to part of their health care legislation. Specifically, the so-called public option: government-run health insurance program. Senate republicans and some democrats and independents are against that plan. A group of Democratic Senators was working to come up with some other ideas they could replace the public option. And late last night, they said they had reached an agreement. If the Senate passes its health care bill, that does not make it law. It would still need to be combined with Health Bill, and then that final version would need to pass both the House and the Senate.
今天,为期两周的联合国气候变化大会还在丹麦进行。此次会议其中的一个重大目标是就减少温室气体排放达成协议。世界各国领导人,包括美国总统奥巴马,后于本周前往哥本哈根,促成协议。但有评论家分析,大会尚未取得重大进展,达成协议还存在一些问题。 大会期间,上千示威者聚集在丹麦首都,要求与会国达成气候变化协议。大多数的抗议活动都是和平的。有些活动后来的确转化为暴力。周六,900名示威者被警方拘留,而后几乎全被释放。 印尼官员称,苏门答腊岛海域附近发生强烈地震,13人死亡。巴东及周边地区许多建筑被摧毁,通讯被切断。当地居民说,人们被困在碎石里,有些桥梁垮塌。地震强度达里氏7.6级,离岛几百公里远的新加坡、马来西亚也有震感。 太平洋海啸警报中心在地震袭击数分钟后发出了海啸警告,而后又撤消了警告。远在印尼的首都雅加达也能感到颤动。有报道称,西苏门答腊省首府巴东及周边地区许多建筑、房屋被震垮。巴东正位于这场地震中心。 参议员们正在考虑可替代医疗改革立法其中一部分的方案,具体来说是政府经营的医疗保险项目。共和党参议员和一些民主党、无党派人士反对这项计划。一部分民主党参议员正努力找出办法替代政府经营的医疗保险项目。昨晚,他们称已经达成一致。如果参议院通过这项医疗保险法案,替代方案就不会被立法。它依然要包含在医疗法案内,最终方案要经众议院和参议院通过。