






We're strongest as a team. And I tend to forget that. So if you don't set this guy up, Danny goes to prison. And if you do, you go instead? That's about it. Hey, that's a good deal, isn't it? Aren't we all missing the point now? Which is? If I go away, so does the problem. That's not an option. Because of the whole family, musketeer thing. Listen, I'm a new kid here, yeah. I'll let you off that. No, because it means he'll have beaten us. So you don't get the tape until this guy's opened the vault? Right. And he can't open the vault without one of us. Right, too. At which point you both get a tug. Well, I don't see how we can win. If we get you inside, can we get you out another way? No, there's one way in, one way out. Well, it's like one of them things, isn't it? You know, you got three blokes takes four hours to dig a hole. How long does it take six men to dig a smaller hole? Oh, shut up, Danny.
现在你们都知道了。我们是最强的团队。而我却忘记了。 所以如果你不搞定这个人,丹尼就要进监狱?而如果你做了,你就要进监狱? 就是这样。 这真是笔好买卖,不是吗? 我们现在是不是都漏了重点? 什么? 我走,问题就解决了。 这不是选项之一。 处于整个家族,三个手枪手的故事。听着,我是新人,我会让你摆脱这个。 不,因为那意味着他击败了我们。 一直到那家伙打开保险箱,你才能拿到带子? 是的。 而少我们中的任何一个人,保险箱都打不开。 没错。 一定程度上,你俩拴在一根绳子上。 我不觉得我们有胜算。 如果我们进去了,你能不能从别的路走? 不行,原路进去,原路返回。 就像那个。三个笨蛋花4个小时挖一个洞。如果6个人挖一个小点的洞要多久? 算了吧,丹尼。