




So can you help?

No. But I know a man who can.

It's a piece of cake. _____________________________.

What are these new settings?

You take your own scanner, replace their retinal scans with your own.

Then I'll give you the software and talk you through the process.


Whatever you do though, remember to wipe both scans on the computer memory before you get out, otherwise it's like leaving your fingerprints behind.

Hang on, both scans?

Well, the Locheim's been updated at Moores. It's a double scan, two people, eight feet apart.

How many in your crew?


You're doing this on your own?

That's how I work.

The scan's the least of your worries. I mean you won't even be able to carry the bleeding money out.

You hack into the retina scans and reprogram new settings
那你能助我一臂之力吗? 不能。但我认识一个人可以。 这个小菜一碟。你黑进它的视网膜扫描系统,然后改变它的设置。 新设置是什么? 你用自己的视网膜扫描取代他们的。 我可以给你这个软件,并在过程中知道你。 好的。 不管怎样,记得两边的扫描都要在你离开前抹掉,否则就好像把你自己的指纹留在那。 等等,两边的扫描? 这个Locheim系统在Moores银行刚刚更新过。这是一个双重扫描,要两个人在八英尺远同时进行。 你有多少人? 一个。 你单干? 我一向这样。 这个扫描系统是最起码的。你甚至于连血汗钱也拿不出来。