Part Ⅲ                       Listening Comprehension

Section A

11.  M: I think I'm going to give up playing tennis. I lost the game today again. Maybe it's not the right sport for me.

W: Just because you lost, is that the reason to quit?

Q: What does the woman imply?

A)。 [听前猜测]  四个选项均是The man should 开头,可知本题内容与男士应当采取的行动有关。女士的话可能为建议。

[精解]  因为输了比赛(lost the game),男士考虑放弃打网球(give up playing tennis),女士问,仅仅是输了比赛,就是放弃的理由吗(the reason to quit)。可知,女士认为男士应该继续打网球。故正确答案为A)。

12.  M: The new sales manager says he has never met you before. Are you sure you know him, Allen?

W: We've been introduced about three times. He seems a little forgetful.

Q: What do we learn about the new sales manager?

B)。 [听前猜测]  四个选项均是以He开头,另外根据选项中出现的customers和staff可以猜测,本题内容涉及到的男士可能是从事销售行业,谈话内容涉及他的性格行为。

[精解] 根据女士说的,她和新经理(The new sales manager)已经经人介绍三次了(been introduced about three times),由此可以得出结论,新销售经理有点健忘(a little forgetful)。故正确答案为B)。

13.  M: Do you want to turn on the air-conditioner or open the windows? It's really oppressive in the room.

W: Yes, it's a hot today.  I love fresh air if you don't mind.

Q: What can be inferred from the woman's answer?

A)。 [听前猜测]  从四个选项当中的window,air-conditioner,air等词可以推测,此题的内容跟环境有关系。

[精解]  oppressive意为"憋闷"。男士询问女士的意见,是开空调(turn on air-conditioner)还是开窗户(open the windows)。女士说,喜欢新鲜空气(fresh air)。由此可见,女士想要开窗户。故正确答案为A)。

14.  M: How do you like Professor Bockman's course on the History of Philosophy? He is a distinguished scholar on that subject.

W: He is a great teacher, but I'm having a hard time with the reading list. I feel I can't ever finish it.

Q: What problem does the woman have with the course?

D)。 [听前猜测]  从四个选项当中的course,professor,lecture,assignment等词可知,此题的内容是跟课程有关的。

[精解]  男士说教授是一个在哲学史(History of Philosophy)方面很杰出的学者(distinguished scholar)。女士表示同意,但补充说不能完成教授的阅读书目(reading list)。故正确答案为D)。

15.  M: When are we supposed to submit our project proposals, Jane?

W: They are due by the end of the week. We've only two days left. We'll just have to hurry.

Q: What does the woman mean?

A)。 [听前猜测]  从四个选项当中的deadline,today,ahead of time等词可知,此题的内容是跟时间有关的。

[精解] 从女士说的我们仅剩下两天时间(only two days left),必须要尽快(have to hurry),因此可知截止日期已经非常近。故正确答案为A)。

16.  M: Excuse me. I'd like to make two reservations on Flight 651 for June 8th.

W: I'm sorry, sir. We're booked up on the 8th. But we still have a few seats available on the 9th.

Q: When does the man want to leave?

B)。 [听前猜测]  四个选项均为日期。可知此题的内容是询问日期。

[精解] 此题比较明确,日期为六月八日(June 8th)。前面的航班号码Flight 651有一定的迷惑性,考生应注意多练习听数字。故正确答案为B)。

17.  W: It's a pity you missed the concert yesterday evening. It was wonderful.

M: I didn't want to miss the football game. Well, I'm not a classical music fan anyway.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

D)。 [听前猜测]  四个选项均以The man开头,内容涉及football game和concert,推测此题的内容为男士的活动。

[精解] 男士说不想错过足球比赛,而且自己也不是一个古典乐迷(classical music fan)。可见和古典音乐比起来,他对足球更感兴趣。故正确答案为D)。

18.  M: Congratulations. You certainly did quite well and I must say you deserve that grade.

W: Well, I really studied hard for that exam. I've been preparing for it for more than a month. Now, I can relax for a while.

Q: Why is the woman so happy?

B)。 [听前猜测]  四个选项均以She开头,推测此题是对女士活动内容的描述。

[精解]  男士祝贺女士考得很好(did quite well)。女士回答说为了考试,她非常努力地准备了一个多月(preparing for it for more than a month)。可知女士考试成绩很不错,所以很开心。故正确答案为B)。

Conversation One

M: Hello, Miss. What brings you here today?

W: (19) I am not feeling myself. This has been going on for days, and I have a sore throat.

M: Don't worry. Let me have a check. Do you have a fever or headache?

W: No. But I'm afraid I felt a little dizzy when I got up this morning. 

M: Well, open wide and say "Aaa".

W: Aaa.

M: Eh, your throat looks a little red. Let me check your tongue. . . Mmm, it seems okay.

W: Doctor, what's the matter with me?

M: Well, there is nothing serious, and you needn't worry. Now tell me, did you sleep late recently?

W: To tell you the truth, (20) I stayed up very late last week and only slept four or five hours every night.  My term paper was crushing the vitality out of me. I tried my best to prepare for it.

M: That may explain something. You are wearing yourself out. (21) Now what you should do is have a good rest and drink more water.

W: That's all? I thought you would give me a lot of medicine and ask me to stay in bed for a couple of days. Thank heavens! I almost thought I was dying!

M: You really needn't worry. Just take care of your bedtime. Lacking of sleep can lead a lot of problems. You don't want to be ill during the summer vacation, do  you?

W: Of course not. Thank you so much. Goodbye!

M: Bye.

预览三道题各选项,temperature,headache,sore throat,disease等词均涉及到疾病,因此预测对话可能与疾病、就诊相关。

19.  What is wrong with the woman?

C)。 [听前猜测] 四个选项均为描述生病症状的句子,表明本题可能考查病人的具体病情。

[精解] 女士回答男士的话,说她感觉不舒服(not feeling myself),而且这已经有一段时间了(going on for days),她还感觉嗓子疼(have a sore throat),但她否认有发烧(fever)或者头疼(headache)的症状。故正确答案为C)。

20.  Why does the woman feel ill?

A)。 [听前猜测] 四个选项均为描述与生病相关的句子,表明本题询问内容可能围绕病人的病情、病因。

[精解] 女士回答上个星期持续熬夜(stayed up very late),并且每天都只睡四、五个小时。可知这引发了疾病。故正确答案为A)。

21.  What does the man suggest the woman to do?

B)。 [听前猜测] 四个选项均有should一词,可以推断此问题内容为提出的建议以及相应的做法。

[精解]  男士建议女士好好休息(have a good rest)并且多喝水(drink more water),并没有给她开药。故正确答案为B)。

Conversation Two

M: Hi, Janet. Have you seen the exam schedule for this term yet?

W: No, I haven't. How many exams should I take?

M: Well. It all depends on the classes you're taking and whether your professors are giving final exams.

W: I know that! And that's why I'm so nervous. I think I've got tests in every class I'm taking.

M: (22) Would you believe that I have four exams scheduled on the same day?

W: You've got to be kidding. Isn't there some school regulation about that you're not required to take more than three on the same day?

M: Well if there is a rule. I'm certainly going to find out about it. I'm not sure if I can even handle two or three tests, much less four.

W: (23) You really should check with the Dean of Students Office. The same thing happened to Richard last year and he was able to reschedule one of his.

M: By the way, do you want to know (24) when our history and psychology tests are?

W: Sure, why not?

M: History is 4th  period on Tuesday the 15th  and psychology is 2nd period on Wednesday the 16th.

W: I'm not much worried about the psychology test, (25)but Professor Gore said that the history  test was going to be on everything we covered this term. You know those historians.

M: Yeah. That sounds terrible. My advanced mathematics and chemistry tests are probably going to be tough.

预览四道题的选项,由选项中的final exam,test,students office,professor,以及第25题中的四门学科等可以推测,短文很可能与学校生活、选课、考试等内容相关。

22.  Why is the man upset?

C)。 [听前猜测]  四个选项是以He开头,和考试有关的句子,由此可以推测,本题考查内容与某人的考试相关。

[精解] 男士跟女士抱怨说,你能相信吗,我四门考试被排在了同一天(four exams scheduled on  the same day)。可见男士郁闷的原因在于,他同一天有太多的考试。故正确答案为C)。

23.  What does the woman suggest the man do?

A)。 [听前猜测] 四个选项都是He应该采取什么行动,由此可以推测,本题考查内容可能与某人应该做的决定有关。

[精解] 女士建议男士去联系一下学生事务办公室(the Dean of Students Office)。故正确答案为A)。

24.  Which of the following can be inferred about the two students?

B)。 [听前猜测] 四个选项都是以They开头的句子,由此可以推测,本题考查内容与两个人物有关系。可能是他们之间的对比、共同点等等。

[精解] 男士问女士,知不知道他们的历史学(history)和心理学(psychology)课程在什么时候考试。可见男士和女士选择了两门同样的课程。故正确答案为B)。

25.  What exam does the woman think will be especially difficult?

B)。 [听前猜测] 四个选项都是课程名称,由此可以推断本题考查内容与某一门课程有关。

[精解] 女士说,Gore教授的历史学考试会覆盖本学期所有学过的历史学内容 (be on everything)。由此可见女士认为历史学考试会非常难。故正确答案为B)。

Section B

Passage One

 One of the most popular myths about the United States in the 19th century was that the free and simple life of the farmer. It was said that the farmers worked hard on their own land to produce whatever their families needed. They might sometimes trade with their neighbors, but in general they could get along well by relying on themselves, (26) not on commercial ties with others. This is how Thomas Jefferson idealized the farmer. At the beginning of the 19th  century,   sweeping changes in agriculture were well under way as farmers began to specialize in the raising of crops such as cotton or wheat. 

By late in the century revolutionary advances in farm machinery had vastly increased production of specialized crops and expensive network of railroads had linked farmers throughout the country to markets in the east and even overseas. By raising and selling specialized crops, farmers could afford more and finer goods and achieved a much higher standard of living but at a low price. Now farmers are no longer dependent just on the weather and their own efforts. (27)Their lives are increasingly controlled by banks, which have  power to grant or deny loans for new machinery, (27)and by the railroads which set the rates for shipping their crops to markets. As businessmen, (28) farmers now have to worry about the national economic depressions and the influence of the 19th century.  The era of Jefferson's independent farmer had come to a close.


26.  Which of the following is Thomas Jefferson's ideal of farmers?

D)。 [听前猜测] 四个选项都是以They开头,由此可以猜测,本题考查内容可能是关于某一类人的描述有关的。

[精解] 文中提出大多数农民,跟其他人并没有商业联系(not on commercial ties with others),可知,Thomas Jefferson把农民形象理想化了(idealized)。故正确答案为D)。

27.  Which of the following is increasingly controlling the farmers' lives?

A)。 [听前猜测] 四个选项都是描述事物,且差异较大,由此推断,本题考查的内容可能是某件事情的原因或者影响。

[精解] 文中提出了农民的生活越来越受到银行(banks)和铁路(railroads)的影响和控制。故正确答案为A)。

28.  What can we learn about today's farmers according to the passage?

B)。 [听前猜测] 从选项中的in the 19th  century,in the past可以推断,本题考查的内容侧重于今昔对比。

[精解] 文章结尾处提到了农民现在不得不担心国家经济衰退(the national economic depressions)等问题,由此可推断与过去相比,他们现在需要担心更多的问题。故正确答案为B)。

Passage Two

(29) Of all the folk artists in the United States,  the most well-known of the 20th century is certainly Grandma Moses-Anna Mary Robertson Moses (1860-1961). She was also the most successful within her lifetime and her work was reproduced on greeting cards and calendars and in prints. Like  many folk artists, (30) her career as a painter started late in life, at the age of 67, but she continued painting until her death at the age of 101, so her active painting life still spanned over 34 years.

Her painting was preceded by the production of landscapes in needlework. From these early sources she began to compose original paintings such as "Housick Falls", "New York in Winter"(1944) that replied on her surroundings and her memories of country life and activities; these paintings display an increasing technical ability. Her subjects are based on the New England countryside and evoke a strong mood of nostalgia. By 1940s her work had become a marketable commodity and collectors created a demand for her paintings.

Like many painters of the 19th and 20th centuries, (31) Grandma Moses made use of photographs for information, for figures, for fragments of landscape, and for buildings, but her work, especially that of her later years, was not a mindless copying of these but compositions using them as source material.  Her output was remarkable, and consequently her work is varying quality. Although much of her public appeal is based on the touchy image of the  "Grandma"  figure producing naive pictures of country life, her paintings place her among the top folk painters of the 19th and 20th centuries.

预览三道题的选项,从第29 题每个选项中出现的Grandma Moses,art和painting等词可以推测,短文内容可能是关于一位叫作Grandma Moses的艺术家。

29.  What is the main topic of the passage?

C)。 [听前猜测] 根据四个选项可以推测本题考查的内容必然和Grandma Moses有关。

[精解] 通篇讲的都是Grandma Moses的民间艺术,她作品的材料,她的影响和她的生活只是其中的一部分。故正确答案为C)。

30.  How did Grandma Moses start her painting career?

B)。 [听前猜测] 四个选项都以She started it 开头,可以推测本题考查的内容跟人物开始从事某项活动的情况有关。

[精解] 主人公在67岁的高龄时,绘画生涯才开始(her career as a painter started)。故正确答案为B)。

31.  What was the source material of Grandma Moses' paintings?

C)。 [听前猜测] 四个选项都是名词,可以推测,本题考查的内容可能是某项活动涉及的范围。

[精解] 主人公用照片记录信息(made use of photographs for information),尤其在她的晚年(her later years),她用照片作为素材(source material)。故正确答案为C)。

Passage Three

 (32) Rescuers have found the bodies of over 130 people killed in two ferry disasters in Bangladesh. The accidents happened during a storm that hit the country on April 21. Hundreds more are missing or feared dead.

The two ferries sank in different rivers near the capital city of Dhakfi as strong winds and rain hit the South Asian countries.

(35)The government has since banned all ferries and other boats from traveling at night during the April-May storm season.

One of the ferries, MV Mitali, was carrying far more people than it was supposed to. About 400 passengers fitted a space made for just 300, police said. The second ferry carried about 100 passengers.

An official in charge of the rescue work said the number of deaths is certain to rise. No one really knows how many people were on board and how many of them survived.

Ferries in Bangladesh don't always keep passenger lists, making it difficult to determine the exact number of people on board.

Besides the ferry accidents, at least 40 people were killed and 400 injured by lightning strikes, falling houses and trees and the sinking of small boats.

Storms are common this time of year in Bangladesh, as are boating accidents. (34)Ferry disasters take away hundreds of lives every year in a nation of 130 million people.

(33)Officials blame these river accidents on a lack of safety measures, too many passengers in boats and not enough checks on weather conditions.

预览四道题的选项,从death,bad weather等词综合分析,可推测出本文内容可能是关于某场灾难的描述。

32.  How many people were found killed in the accidents?

A)。 [听前猜测] 四个选项中三个为数字描述,另一个出现deaths,可以推测本题考查的内容可能跟死亡人数有关。

[精解] 超过130具尸体(bodies of over 130 people)被发现,此数字即为死亡人数。故正确答案为A)。

33.  Which is the reason for all these river accidents?

A)。 [听前猜测] 根据四个选项内容可以推测,本题考查内容可能涉及事故的原因。

[精解] 官方认为,这些事故的起因是缺乏安全标准(a lack of safety measures)、船只超载(too many passengers in boats)以及没有注意天气情况(weather conditions)。三种情况综合起来,导致了这些恶果。故正确答案只有A)。B)、C)与文意相反,D)不是一般情况,与船出事故无关。

34.  Which disaster causes large casualties in Bangladesh every year?

B)。 [听前猜测] 四个选项都是关于灾难的词,由此可以推测,本题考查的内容可能是关于某种灾难的。

[精解] 每年渡船事故(ferry disasters)都会带走这个有1. 3亿人口的国家(a nation of 130 million people)成百上千人的生命(hundreds of lives)。故正确答案为B)。

35.  What has the government done during the storm season in Bangladesh?

B)。 [听前猜测] 四个选项都是讲政府对渡船的政策,由此可以推测,本题考查的内容可能是关于政府的管制措施的。

[精解]  四月到五月风暴季节中(the April-May storm season)政府取缔了所有的渡轮(all ferries),并且禁止其他船只在夜间航行(other boats from traveling at night)。其他选项均不正确。故正确答案为B)。

Section C

36.  traditional

[听前猜测]  在不定冠词和名词之间,此处应该填入一个形容词。

37.  occur

[听前猜测]  情态动词后面应填动词原形。

38.  planned

[听前猜测]  系动词后应为动词的被动形式。

39.  paired

[听前猜测]  系动词和介词之间所填词应为形容词或动词的过去分词形式,且与介词with搭配。

40.  expenses

[听前猜测]  所填词应为名词。

41.  admission

[听前猜测]  所填词应为名词,并且可以与介词for搭配。

42.  costs

[听前猜测]  此处应填及物动词。

43.  fun

[听前猜测] a great deal of 后应接不可数名词。

44.  They do not have to be with any particular girl during the evening

45.  Maybe a girl and a boy on a group date find that they have a lot in common and enjoy being together

46.  everyone on a group date is just interested in a good time
