










I googled "Friendship" on the interwebs. Apparently,when you have a flight with a friend, you're supposed to apologize. Word of advice- leave the joke cracking to me. You suck at it. And the apologizing, how am I doing there? I'm no expert, but I think an apology involves the words "I'm sorry"? Look, I actively taught myself not to trust people. What happened with you and Tyler caught me off guard, but I do believe you never set out to sabotage me. No, on the contrary, all I ever set out to do was to help you and your dad. As much as I hate to admit it, you were right about Tyler. I'm a terrible judge of character. We all have our weaknesses. Tyler is just really good at exploiting them. Yeah, now he's got all the ammo he needs. He stole my whale cam. With all the video files in it? Including everything that happened to Lydia and now he's got all the physical evidence he needs to extort Conrad. Or, if we play it right, all the rope necessary to hang himself. Believe it or not, this could be good news.
我上网查了“友谊”的定义,显然,当你和朋友发生冲突时应该道个歉。 建议,玩笑还是留给我开吧,你太冷了。 道歉呢?还成吧? 虽然我不是专家,但道歉总得有句“不好意思”吧? 听着,我一直告诫自己不要轻信别人。你和泰勒发生的事让我措手不及,但我相信你不是故意刁难我。 不,相反的是,我做的一切都是为了帮你和你父亲。虽然不想承认吧,但在泰勒的问题上是我错了。我对人性看得是不透。 我们都有弱点,泰勒只是太擅长挖掘了。 是啊,他现在有炸弹了。他偷了我的鲸小奇摄像头。 包括所有视频资料? 包括莉迪亚身上发生的事。现在他有可以敲诈康拉德的资本了。 如果我们好好运作,说不定会套住他。说不定是好事儿呢。