


en route

33s处: Hear 'em now, Straub?


John, NYPD is on route. Do you hear me? We got to move out! The cops are coming! How the hell do you know? Police band. They have our address. We gotta move. Leave the money. I'm not going. Lave the money! We gotta move! No way! I'm not leaving. That's it. Move! Now! Move! Move! Everyone over! Move across! I don't hear any damn cops! We left like 100 grand up there! Hear 'em now, Straub? Damn lucky for us he was listening in. Come on, come on. Let's go. This way. Let's move. Nobody move!
约翰,纽约市警上路了。你听见了吗?我们得撤了。条子要来了。你他妈是怎么知道的?警用频道,他们知道我们这地址了。必须得走了,别管钱了。我不走!别管钱了!我们得走!没门!老子不走1够了!行动!马上!行动!行动!都让开!赶紧过! 哪里来什么鬼条子了?我们这么就落下了10多万啊!你现在听见了吗?斯特劳博?他有在监听,我们还真是走了大运。好了,我们走,这边。都不许动!