



Together they camped, climbed mountains, sat by the sea and explored city streets and sleepy villages. "I learned more about being a father in the last two months than in all my son's 21 years," the father told me shortly after their trip. Everyone's life should have room for loves worth risking sizable pieces of time we think we can't spare. We should not mislead ourselves into thinking that the ones we love must be like us. The key is to recognize and appreciate our differences. Those differences provide the mystery and wonder of human relationships. Love needs another, harder-to-find quality as well, the ability to let go. In the early years of my marriage, I had faulty notions that my husband should want to be with me all the time.
他们一道宿营,一道爬山,一道坐在海边,一道探索城市的街道和幽静的乡村。在他们旅行后不久,他父亲告诉我:“在过去的两个月里,我学到的为父之道比我在我儿子成长的21年的岁月里学到的都多。”每个人的生活,都应该为爱的人留出空间,为我们爱的人抽出我们认为抽不出的时间是值得的。 我们不应该误导自己,认为我们所爱的人必须像自己一样。关键是认可和欣赏我们间的差异。这些差异使得人们之间的关系有了一丝神秘和新奇。 爱也需要另一种更为难得的能力──放手的能力。 在我结婚的头几年,我错误地认为我丈夫应该想时刻和我在一起。