
【Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their ideas. To what extent do you agree?】


原文来自剑四TEST 3的TASK 2.童鞋们可以回去看看考官的评语。





On the contrary, sometimes these artists tend to be unscrupulous. They convert rumors into facts and present them before us. This might impair the reputation of some illustrious people in today's society. On such occasions, certain restrictions are understandable. Nevertheless, we all do know what is right or wrong. Rules and regulations not always are the solution to how artists present their own ideas. Hence it is wrong-headed to be impetuous and the government should enforce alternative ways to control the media. Respect for one's ideas is not only hypothetical, but must be practised. It is through respect that each one of us can be recognised as a unique person in the world. This can be achieved by looking at the bright side of what the media display for us. Not a day can go by when we don't look out for colorful dreams and a beautiful life when we can find either through music, poetry, films, pictures everything that the creative artists offer us.
有些情况下这些艺术家会有些违反道德,他们把流言当做事实来呈现到我们面前。这样做就会导致损害一些著名公众人物的名誉。在这种情况下,对艺术家们的行为施加一些规定和准则也是无可厚非的。尽管如此,我们其实都能分辨是非,规定和准则也不一定总是控制艺术家们言行的好方法。因为如此直接的管理是有些愚蠢的。政府应该用一些其他替代手段来控制媒体。 尊重别人的想法不仅是嘴上说说,而且是必须要被颂扬的。只有通过相互尊重我们每个人才能被视为世界上独一无二的人。我们可以通过媒体的正面报道来实现这一目标。我们可以通过无论音乐、诗歌、电影、图画等所有创意艺术家提供给我们的财富中去寻找到五彩的梦想与美丽的生活。