
【Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?】


I think, therefore, that governments need to raise this awareness in the general public. Children can be educated about environmental issues at school, but adults need to take action. Governments can encourage such action by putting taxes on packaging, such as plastic bags, by providing recycling services and by fining households and shops that do not attempt to recycle their waste. With the political will, such measures could really reduce the amount of rubbish we produce. Certainly nobody wants to see our resources used up and our planet poisoned by waste.
因此,我认为政府需要提高普通大众的环保意识。孩子们可以在学校受到关于环境问题的教育,而大人们则需要采取实际行动。政府可以通过以下措施来鼓励这种行为,措施包括对塑料袋等包装设置包装税,提供回收服务,并处罚不愿回收垃圾的家庭和商店。 有了政治意愿,这些措施就能够减少我们制造的垃圾量。毕竟,没有人希望看见我们的资源被耗尽,星球被毒害。