Nikita: It doesn't make __(1)__.

Michael: What do you think had happened to him? I asked about him once, but you didn't wanna talk about it.

Nikita: I dealt with it. Or I thought I had. First thing I did when I __(2)__ from division, I hacked in everywhere, searching for my parents. Always came up blank.

Birkhoff: Yeah, sorry about that. Soon as a recruit came into division, I would __(3)__ their birth records. That was nobody could trace an agent's real identity.

Nikita: Then you're goona make it up to me by hacking into the CIA.

Birkhoff: Excuse me. But I already burned all my back doors into that network getting somebody out of there.

Nikita: You want something done right, you have to do it yourself.

Michael: You cannot be thinking… You just busted out of Langley, now you wanna __(4)__ back it?

Nikita: Old files aren't stored at Langley.

Michael: It's still the CIA. They are looking for you.

Nikita: Michael, I don't want to, I have to. This has been __(5)__ over me my whole life.

sense escaped erase sneak hanging
尼基塔:这讲不通。 迈克尔:你以为他会使谁?我问起过他,但你都避而不谈。 尼基塔:我不想追究了,或者说我以为我死心了,我逃出组织做的第一件事就是四处刺探,找我的亲生父母,结果总是一无所获。 伯克霍夫:我对此表示抱歉,新人刚一加入组织,我就会删除他们的出生记录,这样就没人能查出特工的真实身份。 尼基塔:那你就得黑进中情局网络来补偿我。 伯克霍夫:你不会是认真的吧,我进入中情局网络的所有后门都被封掉了只为了要把某人救出来。 尼基塔:靠谁都不如靠自己。 迈克尔:你不会是想、、、 你刚从中情局总部虎口脱险,现在又想重蹈虎穴? 尼基塔:历史文件不在总部存放。 迈克尔:但怎么说都是中情局,他们正在通缉你。 尼基塔:迈克尔,我也不想,但情非得已,这件事困扰了我一生。