Alex: You can see me?

Birkhoff: Duh. That new security system isn't just to keep out the bad guys. How do you think division __(1)__ on you? Now, who told you that I get an alert whenever someone searches my name on the web?

Alex: You did. Back when we were at division, you wanted to see which girls were checking you out. I needed to get in __(2)__ with Nikita somehow.

Birkhoff: So what? I'm just supposed to believe that you didn't pass this little __(3)__ about me on to division?

Alex: I'm only using them to get what I need.

Birkhoff: What, like Percy's enemies list? We found the files. __(4)__ of bad guys, nothing useful on Semak. Percy was playing you.

Alex: Why would he lie?

Birkhoff: Uh, because he's Percy.

Alex: Why are you telling me this? Where's Nikita? Put her on.

Birkhoff: What am I, an __(5)__? Anyway, she's just goona give you the same lecture she used to give me. And I hate to admit it, but she's right. You can't beat Percy at his own game. The only way to win is not to play.

spies touch tidbit Plenty operator
艾丽克丝:你能看到我? 伯克霍夫:不错,那个新安保系统的功能不只是防止坏人进入,你以为组织如何暗中监视你?回到正题,是谁告诉你一有人人肉我,系统就会向我报警的? 艾丽克丝:是你。当我们还在组织的时候,你想找出是哪些女孩对你感兴趣。我是为了想办法与尼基塔取得联系。 伯克霍夫:那又怎样?我就会相信你没有把这个告诉组织吗? 艾丽克丝:我只是利用组织得到我想要的。 伯克霍夫:什么?比如珀西的敌对名单吗?我们找到了那些文件,上面坏蛋不少,但是没有斯迈克的线索,珀西在耍你? 艾丽克丝:他为什么要骗我? 伯克霍夫:因为他是珀西。 艾丽克丝:这些轮得到你告诉我吗?尼基塔呢?让她来说。 伯克霍夫:你把我当什么了,接线员吗?总之,她会向以前对我说教一样对你说一样的话,我虽不愿承认,但她所言不差。在珀西布的局里你休想打败他,唯一的取胜之道就是跳出此局。