剧情:有人追caroline 可是她根本不感兴趣 一心只有小蛋糕生意~~




Cute, but I'm not interested.

Besides, he's not my type.

Just say it.

You're not interested in him because he's Puerto Rican.

1 _____________ _____________________________?

For your information, I've dated all kinds of men.

I once had a Spaniard in Monte Carlo.

Isn't the title of an Abba song?

Are you sure about this? He's cute.

And trust me, you can use a little salsa on your white rice.

Max, I just lost every dollar I had.


any type of guy.

Except this guy.

Hi, Chestnut.


and getting my head back above water.

Men will come sooner or later.

Well, according to my research most men come sooner.

Oh, I thought we should stop by that new coffee place tomorrow

and introduce ourselves and your cupcakes.

 I'm not gonna walk in there. I feel like I'm selling out.


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Where did you get this idea that I would only date white guys The last thing on my mind right now is guys I'm much more concerned with our business
人还行 但是我没兴趣 再说了 他不是我的菜 .你就直说吧 你对他不感兴趣是因为他是波多黎各人 你怎么会觉得我只跟白人约会呢 告诉你 我可是各种男人都尝过哟 阿巴乐队 瑞典著名乐队 怎么听起来像阿巴乐队的歌名啊 你确定吗 他挺可爱的 相信我 你这碗白女饭可以"上"点莎莎男酱 麦克斯 我才破产不久 我现在脑子里最没空想的就是男人 什么男人都不想 除了他 你好 栗宝 我更关心我们的生意 想着怎么尽快脱离苦海 男人迟早会来的 根据我的"调查" 男人只会早"来" 不会晚泄 我觉得明天应该去那家新开的咖啡店 推销你的小蛋糕 做下自我介绍 我才不去呢 感觉像是出卖自己