
N: What happened to Costa?
M: What, no small talk?
N: I saw a dead FBI agent today. Not really feeling like small talk.
M:     1     
N: You expect me to believe you left a bread-crumb trail on purpose?
M:     2     
N: Well, he didn't get one. Was his cover blown?
M: Lao suspected he was working for a competitor, not a government.     3     
N: I have pretty good reason not to. You lied to me about why you want Lao.
M: And?
N: And you're letting a murderer go free to curry political favor. If that sits right with you, then maybe I should rethink our arrangement.
M:     4     And right now, my job is to make sure the FBI can't monitor any of Lao's accounts during your meeting tomorrow. Doesn't matter to me what happens after that. Oh, Neal? The man who's got Kate... I know who it is.
I'm the reason you found that body. Your agent deserved a proper burial. You don't believe me. I'm just doing my job.