Margaret Goff Clark是专门写青少年文学的女性作家。这篇文章描写了矮子Carlos对于女主角从自卑到自信的改造。






"I'm getting a great idea," Carlos said to me. We were standing on the steps outside Galeton High. It was one of those golden days in late October. "why not let me be your manager? I can promise you'll soon be cool, pretty, and popular. " "You sound like a soap commercial," I said. "It's funny you should say that. It is pretty close to my aim in life. I'm going to be a promotion man. I may be short, but I can promote big things." "Like me." Which is how little Carlos Herrera took me and turned me into, well— The first time I saw Carlos I would never have believed he was going to change my life. I had my arms full of books and I was tearing into the classroom when I ran into something solid. It was Carlos.
“我有一个绝妙的想法,”卡洛斯对我说道。这时候我们正站在盖丽顿最高处外面的台阶上。这是那段十月末的流金岁月的一个部分。“为什么不让我成为你的经纪人呢?我可以保证你很快就会变得很酷,漂亮以及受人欢迎。 “你说得像肥皂剧似的。”我说。 “你这么说很搞笑。做你的经历这事非常符合我的人生目标。我要成为一个推销员。或许我很矮,但是我可以推销大件的物品。” “就如同我。” 究竟是什么让小卡洛斯. 哈奈尔发现我然后改造我的呢?那是—— 第一次我见到卡洛斯我从未想过他会改变我的生活。那时候我两手捧着满满的书,正从教室里冲出来直到我撞上了一个硬硬的物体。那是卡洛斯。 翻译:beryldemon(水平有限,仅供参考)