B: It's just not that simple. I mean, she became part of a group. They influenced her.
G: I think she just called him out to punish him.
B: Well, maybe at first, sure, but I think she really started to believe in her own lie.
E: Spencer. Are you all right? Spencer.
S: I need to go!
E: Go where?
S: Home.
E: Is something wrong? Do you want me to call your mom?
S: For what?
E: _______(一句话听写,首字母大写,句末有标点)_________
S: I don't want to be here anymore. Is that legitimate enough?
E: What is going on with you?
S: I don't need to sit in a room and read books about made-up people who've been screwed over. Okay, I get it. It's not gonna prepare me for what I have to deal with when I walk out of this building. It is a complete waste of my time!
You can't just storm out of the classroom without a legitimate excuse.
B: 没这么简单,她成为了团体的一员。他们影响了她。 G: 我觉得她就是叫他出来接受惩罚的。 B: 也许一开始是这样,但她后来真的开始相信自己编织的谎言了。 E: 斯宾塞。你没事吧?斯宾塞 S: 我要走了。 E: 去哪里? S: 回家。 E: 出什么事了吗?要我打给你妈妈吗? S: 为什么? E: 你不能就这么无缘无故地冲出教室。 S: 我不想再待在这里了。这说法够合理吗? E: 你到底怎么了? S: 我犯不着坐在这里,看书里虚构人物被整得死去活来。我明白,我走出这栋楼将要面对的一切,这书完全帮不上忙。留在这儿简直是浪费我的生命。