


New York










He had uncombed hair, dirty clothes, and only 35 cents in his pocket. In Baltumore, Maryland, he got on a bus and headed straight for the restroom. He thought that if he did in the restroom, he could ride to New York without paying. But a passenger at the back of the bus saw him. She tapped the person in front of her on the shoulder and said,"There's a bum in the restroom. Tell the bus driver." That passenger tapped the person siting in front of him. "Tell the bus drive there's a bum in the room." he said. The massage was passed from person to person until it reached the front of the bus. But somewhere along the way, the message changed. By the time it reached the bus driver, it was not"there's a bum in the restroom" but "there's a bomb in the restroom". The driver immediately pulled over to the side of the highway and radioed the police. When the police arrived, they told the passengers to get off the bus and move far away from it. Then they closed the highway. That soon caused a 15-mile-long traffic jam. With the help of a dog, the police searched the bus for two hours. Of course, they found no bomb.
他头发凌乱,衣衫肮脏,口袋里仅有35美分。在马里兰州的巴尔的摩,他跳上一辆巴士,直奔厕所而去。以为躲进厕所就能免费乘车去纽约了。但坐在巴士尾部的一位女乘客发现他了。女乘客拍了拍她前排乘客的肩膀,说道:“厕所里有个流浪汉,告诉司机”。该乘客又拍了拍他前面的旅客说:“告诉司机,厕所里有个流浪汉。”人们一个接着一个地将这个信息传到了巴士的前部,不过在中途某个环节,意思走了样。当传到司机那里时,已不是“厕所里有个流浪汉”,而是“厕所里有颗炸弹”。司机急忙把车子开到高速公路边停下来,用无线电报警。警察赶到后,要求乘客们下车并远离现场。于是,他们关闭了高速公路。这样马上就造成了长达15英里的交通堵塞。在一条警犬的帮助下,警察将汽车搜查了两个小时。当然他们没有找到炸弹。 ——译文来自: bx3214740