








Recognition and sadness flooded her face. Tears welled up and slid down her cheeks. "Chris is gone," she whispered. "I know," I said. "I know." We pampered Kate for a while, letting her eat in her room, surrounding her with special attention. Then gradually the staff worked her back into the old schedule. Often, as I went past her room, I would observe Kate sitting in her chair, scrapbooks on her lap, gazing sadly at pictures of Chris. Bedtime was the worst part of the day for Kate. Although she was allowed to move from her bed to Chris's bed, and although the staff chatted and laughed with her as they tucked her in for night, still Kate remained silent and sadly withdrawn. Passing her room an hour after she had been tucked in, I'd find her wind awake, staring at the ceiling. The weeks passed, and bedtime wasn't any better. She seemed so restless, so insecure. Why? I wondered. Why this time of day more than other hours? Then one night as I walked into her room, only to find the same wide-awake Kate, I said impulsively, "Kate, could it be you miss your good-night kiss?" Bending down, I kissed her wrinkled cheek.
她认出我了,于是一脸悲伤,泪如泉涌并沿着脸颊流下来。“克里斯死了,”她轻声说。 “我知道,”我说,“我知道。” 我们有一阵子对凯特特别照顾,让她在自己的房间里吃饭,给予她特殊的关注。接着工作人员帮她渐渐回到敬老院以前的日程安排。常常,当我走过凯特的房间,我会发现她坐在椅子上,腿上放着剪贴本,悲伤地注视着克里斯的相片。 对于凯特来说,晚间睡觉是最难熬的时候。虽然已允许她从自己的床上搬到克里斯的床上,虽然工作人员一边为她掖好被子,一边与她聊天说笑,凯特却仍然沉默,仍然落落寡欢。她盖上被子躺下后一个小时,我经过她的房间,总会发现她还没睡,凝视着天花板。 几周过去了,她晚上依然不能成眠。看起来很焦躁,很不安。为什么?我想着。为什么晚上比其他时间更难过呢? 于是,一天夜里我走进她的房间,看见她还是那样毫无睡意,我一时冲动就说:“凯特,会不会是因为没人亲吻你道晚安吧?”俯下身,我吻了吻她那布满皱纹的脸颊。 ——译文来自: bx3214740