

Amanda Clarke

Emily Thorne


You are just about one bad day away from spending your life in a place like this. What's the difference? I'm David Clarke's daughter. I'm in jail no matter where I go. So you got a bad deal. But you got something else going for you. You're smarter than most of these girls, especially Emily Thorne. Screw her. You want to go up against the whole world? That's your business. But violence is a shortsighted solution when it really comes to handling your enemies. There's better ways to go about it. Smarter ways. Like what? I'm thinking that all Emily's really looking for is a friend. You get her trust, and you'll have all her work for you instead of against you. Or you can go about the rest of your life with a busted lip and a bloody nose. Understand what I'm saying?
还有一天你就要离开这个要囚禁你一生的地方了。 外面能怎样?我是大卫克拉克的女儿,到哪儿都像在坐牢。 你确实运气不佳,但你有些与众不同的东西。你比这里绝大多数姑娘都聪明,特别是艾米莉索恩。 去她的吧。 你想与整个世界做对那是你的事,但要与敌人直接交锋,暴力可不是个好选择。有其他更明智的选择。 比如? 在我看来艾米莉只是需要一个朋友。你取得了她的信任,她就能为你所用,而非和你作对了。或者你愿意余生都在头破血流中度过。你懂我意思吗? (原创翻译 melare)