



D: Mr. Grissom. Oh, uh ... hi, I've ... I've, um, I've seen you on TV before. ____.
G: Well, thank you. And your name is ... ?
D: Dominic. Uh, "I-C" rather than with the "I-C-K"... uh, Kretzker. I'm the, uh, Hansen Building Security Detail.
G: Did somebody from homicide talk to you yet?
D: Yeah. As a matter of fact, they said that I was going to be talking to you, because, well, we are ... you know, we're both in law enforcement, and ...
G: Right. Did you know the victim - the other security guard?
D: Oh, yeah. He was one of my best buddies. As a matter of fact, you know, two minutes' difference it would've been my face all over the news instead of his, right?
G: Would you, uh, like to be on the news?
D: Yeah. Yeah. I mean ... only if I could help people, yes. No, no. I know what you're thinking. Uh, you know, ____ I'm over at Arby's sucking down some extra sauce. You know, how could I want to help people, right?
G: Well, I mean, realistically, what could you have done?
D: Well, I know a lot about bombs. You know, pipe, power, powder. The three "Ps" of mass destruction.
G: Huh. Dominic ... with an "I-C," not "I-C-K" ...
D: Yes sir?
G: ____?
D: Are you serious?Yeah. Yes, sir. ____. Oh. But we can't tell anybody on the day shift, though because they're going to get real jealous.
G: That's good thinking. Would you excuse me a minute?
D: Yes.
G: ____.
D: Oh, yes!

I admire your work my building blows up Would you be interested in helping me in my investigation I'd be honored, sir Keep an eye on that guy
DOMINIC KRETZKER: 葛瑞森长官。你好,我以前……我……以前在电视上见过你。我很崇拜你的工作。 GRISSOM: 过奖了。你叫……? DOMINIC KRETZKER: 多米尼。后面的两个字母是“ic”而不是“ick”,克雷泽科。我是……在汉森大厦的保卫处工作的。 GRISSOM: 你以前和重案组谈过话吗? DOMINIC KRETZKER: 是的,其实,他们都叫我最好就是和你交流一下。因为,我们都是……我们都是法律以及权利的……执行者。 GRISSOM: Right. 你认识那个受害人……也就是那名保安吗? DOMINIC KRETZKER: 是的。他也是我最好的一个伙计。其实,要是其中相差两分钟的话,我就会上所有报纸的头条了,而不会是他。 GRISSOM: 你很想……让自己上报吗? DOMINIC KRETZKER: 是的,没错。我是说……要是能帮到别人的话,是这样的。不,我知道你在想什么,你知道,大厦爆炸的时候,我却在“阿比”餐厅那里吃那些恶心的东西,我确实是很乐于助人的。 GRISSOM: 我的意思是你都能帮些什么? DOMINIC KRETZKER: 我懂得很多炸弹的知识。比如导管、压力、炸药,这三个“P”加在一起就能引发爆炸。 GRISSOM: 多米尼……后面应该是“ic”,而不是“ick”…… DOMINIC KRETZKER: 是的。 GRISSOM: 你有兴趣一起协助我参与案件的调查吗? DOMINIC KRETZKER: 你是说真的?好的,没问题,长官。我很乐意这么做。但我们任何人都不能跟他们说。因为他们都会嫉妒我的。 GRISSOM: T想得很周到。你能稍等一会儿吗? DOMINIC KRETZKER: 好的。 GRISSOM: 看住那边的那个家伙。 DOMINIC KRETZKER: 太棒了!