




N: "Us guys have to stick together, right?" He said, "right. You the man!" So, I mean, I could have used an STR-DNA but it's too state-of-the-art; it's overkill. So I used an HLA-DQ A1, with a ... polymarker.
K: That's-that's very, very interesting.
N: ____?
K: No ... but ____. Are they?
N: ____.
K: Great. ____? I was kidding, I was kidding. Besides, they never have any good sales there, anyway. I'd invite you out for coffee, it's probably a bad idea, huh?
N: Yeah.
K: Yeah. But I can call you sometime, you know just in case I ever get into trouble or something.
N: Maybe you should try not getting into trouble. ____.
K: I owe you two.

N: You know where to find me.

You don't care about this at all, do you to be honest with you, all I really care about is whether the charges against me are going to be dropped DA threw out the case So I can shoplift at that boutique again You do owe me one
NICK: 然后我说:“我们要团结一致对外才是吗,对不对?”其实骨子里我是说,“来吧,谁还不知道你才是导火线。”我本来是想应用短串联重覆序列(STR)DNA分析技术来检验的,但那技巧太高级了,杀伤力太猛,所以我并没用那种检验方法,只是检验了一下HLADQA1链52位精氨酸的多重指示性。 KRISTY HOPKINS: 这……真是非常非常有趣。 NICK: 其实你根本不想听这些的,对吗? KRISTY HOPKINS: 是不怎么想,老实说我真正关心的是对我的起诉会否撤消,会吗? NICK: 检察官已经撤消了本案。 KRISTY HOPKINS: 太棒了。这么说来我还是可以去那间流行店偷点东西了?只是开玩笑,玩笑而已。反正他们那,也没什么好东西卖。我本来想请你去喝咖啡的,但是这可能不太好。 NICK: 呃,没错。 KRISTY HOPKINS: 对。但我有时还是能找你吧,在我找麻烦或者麻烦找上我的时候? NICK: 你最好别再牵扯上麻烦了。你已经欠我一个人情了。 KRISTY HOPKINS: 我欠你两个人情才对。 NICK: 你知道哪能找到我的。