
N: Dmitry, right?
D: I've never got your name.
N: No, you didn't.
D: What are you doing here?
N: Same thing as you are.     1     You enjoyed the party?
D:     2     
N: Well, you know what they say? "It's not a party till the police break it up."
D: Yeah, your little event may have attracted the wrong element. As a matter of fact, my phone was stolen.
N:     3     
D: All right, let's cut the act. We both know why we're here.     4     This game takes way more than money.
N: You're not the only buyer interested in what Ghovat is selling.
D: I'm the only one that matters.     5     
Just waiting for a chance to talk to our beautiful friend. A little too much excitement for my taste. That can make it tough to contact people, but there are always ways to get in touch with someone. I don't know who you are, but you're way out of your league. You and your friend should take a walk.