
P: Are you sure he called himself Ghovat?
T: Yes.
P: Okay. What happened?
T: I was at the party.
P: Why were you there?
T:     1     It happened as I was leaving. When I went for my coat. I was in the backroom when the two men came in.     2     
N: They didn't see you?
T: I made sure to keep out of sight, in the closet. They started to shouting at each other.     3     The man who called himself Ghovat, I heard him leaving. When I walk out that's when I saw the other man. He was on the floor, already dead.
P: Okay. Our men are gonna stay with you from now.     4     If you heard this man again, do you think you could identify him?
T:     5     
Many models were invited. They were arguing. Then suddenly everything went very quiet. But if you need anything, day or night, you feel free to call me. I will never forget his voice as long as I live.
P:你确定他称自己鬼头吗? T:是的。 P:好吧。发生了什么。 T:我当时在派对。 P:你为什么在那? T:很多模特都收到邀请。事情发生的时候我正准备拿外套回去了。那两个男人进来时我正在后屋。他们在吵架。 N:他们没看见你吗? T:我躲起来了,躲在衣橱里。他们开始对骂起来。突然一切变得很安静。我听见那个自称鬼头的人走了。我从衣橱里跑出来之后就看到了另一个男人。他躺在地上已经死了。 P:好的。从现在开始我们的人会一直保护你。无论何时有任何需要都可以打给我。如果再听到这个男人的声音你能认出他吗? T:我这辈子都不会忘记他的声音。 ——译文来自: Joy小怂