
P: Shut the door. I need your help with this.
N: Is this the information on Hagen?
P: No. Diana's on her way with that.
N: This is your wife's visa bill.
P: Yeah. I got it all. Her ebay bids, video rentals, library books. Thank you, patriot act.
N:     1     
P: Want to compare notes?
N: Appreciate.     2     
P: Yep. It's all in the summary. Pottery-making. Nancy Drew mysteries. Scented candles. Oleander. Old jazz. Anything italian,except anchovies.
N: Yeah, I don't think you're gonna find your answer tucked into a list of her eBay bids.
P: Then help me out here, all right?     3      I mean,what's the deal with the bottle?
N: It's an '82 bordeaux.
P: Yeah. Costs 800 bucks a pop.
P: It does when it's full. I got it empty.
P: Empty?
N: Look,when Kate and I met, we had nothing.     4      And we'd sit in that crappy apartment and drink it over cold pizza and pretend we were living in the cote d'azur.
P: How'd that work out for you?
N: It didn't. 'Cause that bottle was a promise of a better life.     5     You make Elizabeth any promises, Peter? Or you think what she really wants is oleander candles?
So you're stalking your own wife? You figure out what she likes? You're the romantic. I got that bottle, and I used to fill it up with whatever cheap wine we could afford. What Kate got was a guy locked away for half a decade.
P:关门。我需要你的帮助。 N:这是关于哈根的信息吗? P:不是。戴安娜正在追查。 N:这是你太太的信用卡账单。 P:是的。我都拿来了。她的易趣网出家,租影碟的费用,图书馆的书。真感谢爱国者法案。 N:你在跟踪自己的老婆吗? P:想交流交流吗? N:很荣幸。你弄清楚她喜欢什么了吗? P:当然。都总结好了。陶制品。神探南希的秘密。香水蜡烛。夹竹桃。古典爵士乐。除了凤尾鱼外任何和意大利有关的东西。 N:我不认为你能从她的易趣账单里找到你想要的东西。 P:那你说怎么办?你是情圣。你那个酒瓶有什么说道? N:那是82年的波尔多葡萄酒。 P:是的。800块一瓶。 N:满的时候当然值这么多钱。我捡的是空瓶子。 P:空的? N:听着,当我和凯特认识的时候我们很穷。我捡到了那个瓶子。然后装上我们买得起的便宜酒。我们坐在简陋的公寓里喝着酒吃着凉披萨就好像我们住在法国的蔚蓝海岸。 P:你是怎么解决的? N:没有解决。因为那瓶子是对美好生活的承诺。而凯特只是得到了一个被关在监狱里5年的家伙。你对伊丽莎白做出过承诺吗,彼得?或者你认为她真的是想要夹竹桃蜡烛? ——译文来自: Joy小怂