


Sushi! I hope you like crab roll.

I never had sushi.

That doesn't even make sense.

No sushi, no dentist... Who are you?

A poor person.

Sushi's lazy.

If I come to your restaurant,


I wish we could afford to go to this little sushi place

in Tribeca where my father always took me.

We had this little joke.

Every time we'd walk in, I'd always say...

すみません  もう少し大トロお願いします

And we would just laugh!

2 ________________________.

I got this at a corner deli.

The cashier was Japanese.

She said it was good.

Oh, I'm sure it's great.

'Cause the 3 ________________________ would have no reason to lie.

Get ready for something heavenly!



get up off your ass and cook the damn fish So you're not funny in Japanese either disenfranchised immigrant serving the spoiled white girl
寿司 希望你会喜欢蟹卷 我从来没吃过寿司 这根本是是胡扯中的鬼扯 没吃过寿司 没看过牙 什么人啊这是 穷人 寿司没点技术含量 要是我去日本餐厅 一定吼他们去把鱼给我煮熟了 真希望我们能有钱去 我爸以前常带我去的日本小餐馆 每次我们进店里 都会开同一个玩笑 我总会说 すみません もう少し大トロお願いします Toro: 金枪鱼(鲔鱼)腹肉生鱼片 价格昂贵 麻烦一下 再来一份上等Toro 然后我们就捧腹大笑 所以你说日语也还是冷场女皇 我在转角的熟食店买的 那个收银员是个日本人 她说这个很好吃 肯定是真的啊 因为无公民权利的移民人士 服务被宠坏的白人女孩时 肯定不会骗她 享受美味到上天堂的感觉吧