


Hello. 1 ____________________?

Oh, hello. I'm about to send a telegram


Papa's sister is always nagging him to send supplies to London, and then we cable her so her 

butler can be at Kings' Cross to meet them. It's idiotic, really.

Is this Lady Rosamund Painswick?

You have done your homework.

She wrote to welcome me into the family, which I thought pretty generous, given the circumstances.


So, you doing any more church visiting with Edith?

My mothers trying to set something up.

Well, watch out. I think she has big plans for you.




Is everything all right It's easy to be generous when you have nothing to lose Then she's in for an equally big disappointment
你好一切安好吧。 你好,我正要去发电报呢。 姑姑总是唠叨让父亲送东西去伦敦,我们发电报给她,她再派管家到国王十字车站去接受。 真挺蠢的。 你是说罗斯蒙德夫人吗? 你的调查倒是详细。 她写信欢迎我成为家庭一员。 考虑到当时的情况,我觉得她很有雅量。 又不伤害到她的利益自然有雅量了。 你还要和伊迪斯一起参观教堂吗? 我妈妈想给我们牵线搭桥。 小心点,我看她对你有很多期望。 那她只会期望越高失望越大。