


I don't know how you're pulling it off.

What do you mean?

1 ___________________________.

The maids, the closet, the dentist, the sushi, the tub.

All of it. The tub.

I almost can't give it up,

but I only had it for an hour.

2 ______________________.

Max, you just called me a badass.

I'm drunk on black truffle.

It's my dad!

Wait, he actually exists?

Like the townhouse and the tub?

The tub.

Hi, daddy. How are you?

I miss you so much.

I'm good. No, really.

I'm still staying inBrooklynwith my friend, Max.

She's great.

Oh, okay. Hold on.

Love you, daddy.

He wants to talk to you.

Me? Why?

I wouldn't know what to say.

Take it! 3__________________.

Yo, what's up, Martin Channing?

You're welcome, but I di--

Well, thank you.

Yeah, she's great.

Real trooper.

Well, bye. What?

Okay, I'll tell her.


He's gone.


Giving up everything that you had You're kind of a badass He's only allowed five minutes
我真不知道你是怎么忍的 什么意思 放弃你所拥有的一切 女佣 衣橱 牙医 寿司 浴缸 这一切 尤其是小缸缸 我都舍不得放弃 我和它才认识一小时呢 你还真是个猛女 麦克斯 你刚称赞我为"猛女" 我吃黑松露吃醉了 是我老爸 慢着 还真有其人呀 跟别墅和小缸缸一样真实吗 小缸缸呀 爸爸 你还好吗 我真的好想你 我很好 不 真的 我还住在朋友麦克斯的布鲁克林家中 她人超好的 好的 等下 爱你哦 爸爸 他想跟你说话 我 为什么 我不知道该说什么 快接 他只有五分钟的通话时间 哟 有啥事啊 马丁·钱宁 别客气 不过... 谢谢 对 她挺好的 坚强的一名猛女 那就这样啦 什么 好的 我会转告她 爸爸 挂电话了