


Shal I adjust it, sir?

Now, I'm relying on you to see that I go downstairs properly dressed.

Don't worry, sir. I've 1__________________.

Then I put myself entirely in your hands.

You do right, sir.

I should love to visitTurkey.

Yes, it's a...it's a wonderful country.

My man always does this. Can you?


I'm very attracted to the Turkish culture.

Then 2 __________________.

I hope so, too.


I--I'm sorry, sir. I--

That will teach you to believe what the English say about foreigners. I ought to report you.


got sharp eyes for anything out of order I hope your chance will come to something You forget yourself
我来吧先生。 我晚宴着装是否得体就看你的了。 别担心先生,任何出格的地方都逃不过我的双眼。 那就全靠你了。 没问题,先生。 我非常向往土耳其。 确实很美。 一般我的仆人来打领结,你来吧? 土耳其文化非常吸引我。 希望你有机会包揽土耳其美景。 希望如此。 这成何体统。 抱歉先生 你应该学习英国人对外国人的看法。 我应该举报你。