The boy continued to hold my my attention because of what happened next. He was holding an open savings-account book and wearing an expression of open dismay. " But I don' t understand," he was saying to the officer. "I opened the account myself, so why can't I withdraw any money? " "I've already explained to you ", the officer told him, "that a fourteen-year-old is not allowed to withdraw money without a letter from his parents". "But that doesn't seem fair," the boy said,his voice breaking. " It' s my money.I put it in. It' s my account." "I know it is, " the officer said, "but those are the rules. Now if you'll excuse me. " He turned to me with a smile. "May I help you, sir? "
接下来发生的事情让我继续关注那个男孩。他拿着一张翻开的储蓄存折,神情沮丧失望。“但是我不明白,”他对那个职员说道,“我自己开的户,可为什么我不能取钱呢?”   “我已经向你解释过了,”那位职员对他说, “ 没有父母写的信函,一个14岁的孩子是不允许取钱的。”   “但那听起来不公平,“那个男孩说,都语不成声了,“那是我的钱,是我存的,是我的账户。”    “我知道,”那个职员说,“但那是银行的规定,请原谅。”    他转向我,面带微笑地对我说:“先生,我能为您做点什么?”