今天是“功夫之王”李小龙的忌日(death anniversary)。1973年7月21日早晨,香港《晨报》刊登了一条让所有人都难以置信的新闻:当红功夫巨星李小龙于20日晚11时30分在伊莉莎白医院突然逝世,年仅33岁。





By Hong Kong triads (gangsters)

The rumors ranged from Lee being killed by Hong Kong triads (gangsters) because he refused to pay them protection money - —something that was common for Chinese movie stars to do at that time —to his being killed by an angry martial artist's dim mak (death touch) strike.

Lee was cursed...

Some people claimed Lee was cursed—he had just bought a house in Hong Kong that was supposed to be haunted—or that he had died while mking love to actress Betty Tingpei, or that he had angered the Chinese martial arts community by teaching foreigners, and that he had been killed in a challenge match.

Victim of too much gum Ilk

Many Chinese believed Lee was the victim of too much gum Ilk (intensity) in his training, while others cited drug use as the cause for his sudden demise.

Cerebral Edema (脑水肿)

The facts of the case are this: Lee died after falling into a coma. The coroner's report was inconclusive, and medical authorities came up with five reasons for Lee's untimely death. However, they all agreed that it was caused by a cerebral edema (a swelling of the brain caused by a congestion of fluid). But what caused the edema became a matter of speculation. 

Dr. R.R. Lycette of Queen Elizabeth Hospital viewed Lee's death as a hypersensitivity to one or more of the compounds found in the headache tablet he consumed that afternoon. 

Lee said...

"If I should die tomorrow," he used to say, "I will have no regrets. I did what I wanted to do. You can't expect more from life."