Hint: null
Counterfeit money was being produced in the back offices of the corporate parking lot and shipped to the city council in corrugate boxes where the mayor would countersign their authenticity. The corpus of the council knew this. He was walking into the fire! The next day, when his body was found with his cortex pealed from his head, the press never thought to correlate his murder with a controversy surrounding the corporation and the city council. Instead they created a cosmetic motive for a local drug dealer to be put in prison on false charges. The Chief of Police was involved in the counterfeit deal as well. And he wasn't about to sacrifice the college money for his three kids for some curious corporate office boy.
公司停车场后面的办公室正在印伪钞,并用起皱的纸箱运往市政委员会,在那里市长要给它们辨明真伪。市政委员会所有人都知道这件事,他是在玩火! 第二天,当丹纳头皮被剥掉的尸体被人发现的时候,新闻界根本就没想到把他的被杀和围绕公司与市政委员会的争议联系到一起,他们反倒编造了一个表面动机,以莫须有的罪名把当地的一个毒品贩子关进了监狱。警察局长也卷入了伪钞案中,他可不会为了某个好奇的公司勤杂员牺牲三个孩子上大学的学费。