Hint: uhhh California Hmmm Jimmy
"Thank you, sir. I am very appreciative of your apt assessment of my qualifications. But I believe you are wrong and I would like to appeal, uhhh, to you to give me approval to at least be your apprentice for an approximate test period. I know I don't know anything about aquariums. I don't even know an approximate amount of information about them! I come from the desert where arable land is a rare thing. But that's why I came to California, to work with water, sir. And I know you approve of determination. Well sir, I have that and I hope you will give me a try." "Hmmm. Okay Jimmy, I'll take a risk and give you a try. I will appoint you for a three-month test period. We'll take a look at how you' re doing in three months and go from there." "Thank you, sir! You won't be disappointed!"
“谢谢您,先生。您对我的资格做出了恰当的评价,我对此表示感激。但是我确信您错了,我恳求您准许我成为您的学徒,至少让我干大约一个试用期的时间。我知道自己对水族箱知之甚少,甚至连大致了解都算不上。我来自沙漠地区,那里可耕种的土地非常稀少。但这正是我来到加州的原因,要找个和水有关的工作,先生。我也知道您认可做事有决心的人。先生,我有决心,希望您能让我尝试一下。” “嗯,好吧,吉米,我就冒险让你尝试一下,任命你干三个月的试用期。我们要看看你在这三个月内干得如何,然后再做打算。” “谢谢您,先生,您不会失望的。”