

J: __①__.
G: You think so, huh?
J: You got the sleeping bag for easy cleanup, the bathtub to catch the bullet, open window so the stench alerts the neighbors. God bless him. Oh, geez!
G: Pupa, stage three.
J: English. I'm not an entomologist.
G: It's the third stage of larva metamorphosis. __②__.  
J: That's a maggot, and he stinks. Oh, good, it's almost 11:00.  Maybe if I'm lucky I can break out of here in time for a shot at the first rack of the Krispy Kreme.
G: __③__.
P: Go upstairs, Gina. __④__.
G: We're so sorry about this, Ms. Harmon. __⑤__.
P: No, you don't understand. This is his picture, but that's not my son's voice.
Suicide This guy's been dead seven days I think we may have our suicide note This can't be happening I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you
JIM BRASS: 自杀。 GIL GRISSOM: 你这样认为? JIM BRASS: 看,这位老兄准备了睡袋,方便别人清理。在浴缸里,好让子弹掉落其中。又打开了窗,好让死后的恶臭能惊动邻居。上帝保佑他吧。噢,天! GIL GRISSOM: 蛹,第三阶段。 JIM BRASS: 英语。我可不是昆虫学家。 GIL GRISSOM: 幼虫变形期的第三阶段,这家伙死了有七天了。 JIM BRASS: 生蛆、腐臭。噢,很好,差不多11点了。如果够幸运的话,也许我能早点离开这里。兴许还能及时赶上克里斯派·科琳姆商店新鲜出炉的甜甜圈。 GIL GRISSOM: 看来我们找到他的自杀遗言了。 ROYCE HARMON: 我从来都不想让你们经历这种事,但我只是不能再忍受了。我已失去了希望。我爱你,妈妈。 GINA HARMON: 噢,我的天哪! PAIGE HARMON: 上楼去吧,吉娜。这不可能。 GIL GRISSOM: 我们对此也感到难过,哈蒙太太。我能感受出这对你来说会有多难过。 PAIGE HARMON: 不,你不懂。这相片上面的确是他,但这声音,不是我儿子的。