Hint: Mike
"Okay okay. You are an honest man. But hey, who will get you complementary tickets to see the Bulls if I'm gone?" "Mike. For now let' s compartmentalize our friendship from work, okay? They have great compensation for you! And if you are in compliance with leaving, they will write a glowing recommendation for you about your competence, so that you can go and get a job with the competition! They've taken all of the complexity out of it for you!" "Really? So how will they compensate me? Hey, you're right, that's not a complex deal at all. I can take a long vacation! Okay. I'll take it. But no more free tickets for you buddy. You're the competition now! Some kind of friend you turned out to be!"
“好,好,你是个老实人。可是如果我走了,谁会替你搞看公牛队比赛的赠票呢?” “麦克,现在让我们把咱俩的交情和工作分开好吗?他们会给你丰厚的补偿!如果你同意离开,他们会对你的能力写一份大加赞扬的推荐信,这样的话尽管有竞争,你还是.可以再找份工作!他们已经替你把所有的复杂事情都处理好了。” “真的吗?那他们会怎样补偿我呢?你是对的,这根本不是一件复杂的事情。我可以休个长假了。好,我接受。可是再没有赠票给你了,伙计!你现在成了我的竞争对手,你可真是够朋友啊!