Hint: Ooowww
"Ooowww. I disagree with using animals for tests!" Another student suddenly said. "Some people think that the ethics of using animals for testing are fairly ambiguous. But the amount of knowledge we have amassed about health, vaccines, antibiotics etc. is incredible. Many of your daily amenities are based on results from animal research. There is really nothing amateurish or careless slx)ut animal testing." Replied the Doctor. "But I've seen videos of the amateur conditions in different research facilities and things look pretty bad for animals." Interjected yet another high school student. "I see we've hit on an interesting topic. Let's step into this conference room and discuss this further."
“啊啊...,我可不同意用动物做实验!”另一名学生突然说道。“有些人认为用动物做实验的道德准则是相当模棱两可的,但是我们通过实验积累的有关健康、疫苗、抗生素等方面的知识量却是惊人的。我们日常生活中很多可供享受的东西都是以动物研究为基础的。动物实验可不是外行或者粗心的人能做的事情。”博士回答道。“可我看过一些录像带,不同的研究设施中有许多东西都很不专业,动物的状况看上去很糟糕。”又一名高中生插话道。 “看来我们触及到了二个有趣的话题,那就进会议室做进一步的讨论吧。”