

Earl, I have something new I want you to try.
That's the exact same sentence 1____________________________.
It's my new cupcake flavor.
Delicious dark chocolate the ladies can't help but love.
I'm calling it "The Earl."
I know you got that right.
Hi, I'm here.
I was running late so I decided to hail a cab.
And then I remembered I didn't have any money on me.
And then I remembered I didn't have any money at all.
2 ____________________.
The apartment's three blocks away.
Yes, I know.
Three blocks and 15 "hola chicas" away.
Well, you can't be late again.
I'm already worried about me being late...every month.
On my way here, a homeless man asked me for money.
And I told him that I usually always give,
but that my father was indicted in a Ponzi scandal
and I've lost my family fortune and my Manhattan townhouse,
so I've been sleeping on a couch in Brooklyn, but,
that you and I will achieve success in our exciting new cupcake business venture.
And look what he gave me!
I prefer to think of Bob near the bridge as our first investor
that got me hooked on cocaine in the '80s So I walked the whole way here in spite of it all I'm still optimistic You took money from a homeless man
厄尔 我有新东西想你尝尝 正是因为这句话 我才会在几十年前 染上吸毒的恶习 我说的是 蛋糕的新口味啦 女人无法抗拒的美味黑巧克力口味 我把它称为"黑伯爵厄尔" 说得好 我来了 本来我以为要迟到了 想说打个的吧 然后才想起我没带钱 接着意识到我现在是两袖清风的穷光蛋 所以我不辞辛苦地走来上班 我家到这里才隔三条街 我知道 三条街 外加十五声"哟呵 妹子"那么远 你不能再迟到了 我够烦我每个月迟到的... 大姨妈了 在我来的路上 一位无家可归的流浪汉向我讨钱 我跟他说 通常我都会慷慨解囊 但我的父亲因为非法敛财而被起诉了 我们家产没了 曼哈顿豪宅也没了 还得在布鲁克林区朋友家的沙发过夜 尽管世事无常 但我还是对于 开小蛋糕店持乐观态度 并坚信未来将会取得成功 瞧 看他给了我啥 你连流浪汉的钱都拐啊 应该说 是桥边的鲍勃入股投资才对