
大表哥的妈妈找出新疗法,老夫人看不惯 ~

I have the adrenaline here in my hand. 1___________________?
I just wish it was a treatment I was more familiar with.
Will that serve as your excuse when he dies?
Can you prepare Mr Drake for his procedure please? Well, Mrs Crawley, 2_______________.
Mr Drake, your heart is not functioning properly and, as a result, your pericardial sac is full of
fluid. I am proposing first to withdraw the fluid, and then to inject the adrenaline 3_______________________.
Is it dangerous, Doctor?
The draining may stop the heart, and the adrenaline may not be able to restart it.
Mrs Drake, the choice is simple. If your husband 4____________________. If not, he
will die.
He's with a patient.
Please, please, no, let me pass. I must see the doctor at once.
Your Ladyship.
Yes, it's just as I thought. Dr Clarkson, tell me you will not permit this amateur to influence your
professional opinion.
My dear woman, 5_________________. They'll not disturb the peace of your husband's last
hours, not if I can help it.
But that's just it, my lady. I don't want them to be his last hours. Not if there's a chance. Please,
Doctor, do what you must.
Will you really deny the man his chance of life I have a feeling we will sink or swim together to stimulate the heart and restore normal activity endures this procedure, he may live do not let them bully you
我手上拿的是肾上腺素,你真的打算否决他的一线生机吗? 我只是希望这是一种我比较熟悉的疗法。 他死的时候,难道这就是你的借口吗? 护士,麻烦去准备一下德雷克先生的手术。卡劳利夫人,我恐怕我们要共同度过这个难关。 德雷克先生,您的心脏功能失调,由此引起了心包内积水,我打算先将积水排出,然后注射肾上腺素,以刺激心脏使其恢复正常状态。 会有危险吗医生? 拍水可能会引起心脏骤停,肾上腺素也可能无法让心脏再次跳动。 德雷克夫人,选择很简单,如果你的丈夫熬了过了,便能活下来,否则,他会死。 他正在为患者治病,请让开,让我过去。 我现在就要见医生。 夫人。 和我想的一样,卡拉卡森医生,您该不会让一个外行影响您专业的判断吧? 外行? 这位女士,千万不要被他们胁迫,他们不能在你丈夫的弥留之际打扰他。我在就不能让他们这样。 但夫人,事情是这样,我不想让着成为他的弥留之际,如果还有机会。 拜托,医生,请您尽力。