填写缺失的部分,注意标点及大小写,句末标点已给出,不用听写。序号不用写出。 剧情: Caroline建议Max把蛋糕价位定高 蛋糕店初步计划从这里有了苗头哦 We split the tips. Give me yours. You did better than I thought you would. Listen, tonight I thought of a way 1 _________________________. They've totally underestimated the price point on those red velvet cupcakes. In Manhattan the asking price is at least seven, so we could sell them for seven, 2 ______________________. Nothing about that sounds wrong to you? It's not our fault that the idiot who makes the cupcakes doesn't know their worth. 3 ____________________. New information. That's stupid. No one would pay $7 for one of my cupcakes. Really? 'Cause... Well, at least we know you're not adopted.
we could make some extra money and then pocket the difference I'm the idiot who makes the cupcakes
小费均分 把你的拿来 比我预计的好多了 我刚想到了一个 赚外快的办法 那些红丝绒蛋糕 定价实在低的离谱 在曼哈顿这至少卖七块 我们就卖七块 赚价差中饱私囊 难道你不觉得有什么不对吗 做蛋糕的傻子定价这么低 又不是我们的错 我就是做蛋糕的那傻子 我才知道嘛 这肯定不行 谁会花七块买我的蛋糕啊 你确定吗 看这... 果然有遗传你爸弄钱的基因啊