XNDU3MzAxNjE2/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,不用带数字序号> M: I had to get you out there alone, so we could talk. S: Okay. Just slow down, okay? Let's talk. M: You had to earn it, the right to be a part of it. S: You didn't see Ali in Brookhaven. She saw you, didn't she?      1    M: We're in this together now. I admire you, Spencer.      2   You can join the "A" team, or you can disappear. S: You almost killed Hanna. She's my friend. I thought she was your friend too. M:      3    A: Oh, my God. E: It's Mona. S: How did you do it? How could you be everywhere? You were always one step ahead of us. M:      4   You bitches underestimated me.
You just made that story up. That's why you get to decide how this ends, tonight. It's easier to forgive an enemy than it is to forgive a friend. You're not the only genius in this car.