XNDU3MjU5NTg0/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,不用带数字序号> H: Why? Why whould you talk to Wilden? A: Hanna... H: You're not, like, into him, are you? A: No. God, no. H: Well then, what?      1    A:      2    H: What kind of answers? A: The other day, when Mona was here, I saw that shredded police report you had. H: Yeah. So? A: So where did it come from? H: I don't know. A: Clearly, someone is trying to use that to hurt you, and me, so I gave it to Wilden.      3    But if he can keep you safe... H: No, giving that report to Wilden is the opposite of safe. Mom, if that gets out... A: It's already out.      4    Wilden has just as much at stake as we do. He could lose his job, and, Hanna, you don't always know what's best. H: Yeah? Well if you went to Wilden, then neither do you. A: Hanna...
Why would you be in a car with him? I'm looking for answers because I can't get any from you. Look, I don't like him any more than you do. It was on our kitchen counter.