XNDU3MjYwNjQ4/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,不用带数字序号> A: Didn't Dad tell you to start by shaving with the grain? M: I'm still trying to find the grain. I just thought I'd try while he was away, making a... A: And taking pictures. Yeah, no event too small to commemorate. M: Are you still going to the dance? A: Why? M: Well, Gavin asked me to lend a hand deejaying, so, I could use a ride. A: Yeah, well, better find some backup. I'm not really feeling the whole Father/Daughter thing lately. M: Well, I think you should go. A: Yeah? Why? M: Dad still thinks you're seeing Holden, right? A:      1    Did Mom te... M: She didn't have to. I heard you guys when you came home last night.    2    Can I ask you a question? A: Sure. M: You and Fitz being together, it's caused a lot of problems, right? Not just with you, but kind of with everybody. A: I guess. M: I'm not blaming you, I just... I don't get it. You and Dad right now, it's just the latest in a whole bunch of messy fights and lies and bad feelings... A: Mike. What's your question? M:      3    Seems impossible that things will ever work out. A:      4   
What makes you think that I'm not? If you don't go, he's just gonna get suspicious that you're ducking out to see your secret boyfriend all over again. If your relationship is so much trouble, why not just let it go? Look, when you love someone, it's worth fighting for no matter what the odds.