Hint: null
He had aspired so much for their respect, to become assimilated with them. The aspect of this experience that would stay with him the most, however, was the humiliation. But the day was not over yet. As he turned the corner to his home he began to see the ash in the air. When he looked up he saw that his house had been burned down. He was numb. Luckily the neighbors come over, put their arms around him and assisted him to a nearby home to rest. When the assessor came in to tell him that he didn’t have fire insurance, the young man went white. When he was found dead the next morning, the neighbors pooled together money to pay for his funeral. The association promptly forgot him. They only remember him 10 months later when the whole world saw with their own eyes that an asteroid was heading straight for earth.
他曾经如此渴望获得他们的尊重,如此想被他们同化。然而,这段经历最让他铭心刻骨的方面是他说受的屈辱。但是这倒霉的一天还没有结束。在他拐弯回家时,他开始发现空气中有灰末。他抬起头,发现到他家的房子已经被烧毁。他惊呆了,幸好邻居们走过来,他们伸出手来抓住并扶着他到一个附近的人家休息。当估价员过来告诉他说他没有办理火灾险时,他的脸色唰地一下变白了。第二天早上人们发现他死了,邻居们凑钱为他举行葬礼。协会里那帮家伙很快就把他抛在了脑后。 十个月后,他们才又想起了这个年轻人,因为这时候全世界目睹了一颗小行星径直朝地球撞来。