沪江英语第一届翻译大赛初赛已经结束,感谢各位翻译学习者的关注和参与。大赛的初赛原文是对英国文豪莎士比亚的著名的十四行诗 Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day (《能否把你比作夏日璀璨》)一段赏析片段。本次的初赛译文由口译名师韩刚老师去韩刚老师的主页看看>>>)提供,供大家参考!初赛20位入围选手名单>>>


This is definitely the most quoted line in all of English literature, so much so that you’ve probably seen it as a parody more often that you’ve seen it written out straight — for example, “Shall I compare thee to a bale of hay.” It’s one of the few poems that is just so cliché that, if a guy recited it to his girlfriend on a date, even the most love-sick of recipients would roll their eyes in disgust.

But when Shakespeare’s talking about “love,” he’s not talking about romantic love or feminine beauty– the first 126 sonnets in Shakespeare’s work are generally understood to be addressed towards a man, and many of the surrounding pieces are actually encouraging procreation.  Shakespeare isn’t wooing a beautiful woman; he’s telling a wealthy young ponz exactly what he wants to hear: that he’s just so damn sexy that it’d be pretty much the worst thing in the world if he didn’t have kids.

So if you’re a lady reading this, if any guy offers to compare you to a summer’s day, say “no, ’cause I’m not a dude.”  If you’re a guy, don’t offer to compare your lady to a summer’s day.  If you’re a man whose wife is trying to convince you that it’s time to have kids then…uh, that’s actually fine. Nicely done.


这绝对是英语文学中被引用最多的一句话,这句话往往不以原形出现,更多时候是人们对它的拙劣模仿,如:“我能把你比作一捆干草吗?” 这句话出自莎士比亚的一首诗,像这首经人们反复吟诵而成为陈词滥调的诗为数不多。倘若一位男士在约会时向女友吟诵起这首诗,无论她如何渴慕爱情,听后也势必会很不屑地翻一翻白眼。




初赛的这段文字偏文学性,参赛的同学们在开始翻译前,至少要对莎士比亚的这句Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day 有所耳闻,否则整个译文的思路就会比较偏离。小编在这里总结下大家比较集中的易错点:

1. so much so that you’ve probably seen it as a parody more often that you’ve seen it written out straight


2. It’s one of the few poems that is just so cliché that....


3. he’s telling a wealthy young ponz exactly what he wants to hear

很多同学在看到初赛原文都来询问小编,这里的ponz 是不是拼写错误?也有很多同学将这个单词直接音译成庞斯。其实根据收录各种俚语、简写、俗语词汇的外国网站Urban Dictionary 的解释,ponz 指的是:A person who has little to no qualities that make them interesting to other people or a certain group of people. 简而言之是无趣的人。

4. If you’re a man whose wife is trying to convince you that it’s time to have kids then…uh, that’s actually fine.
